38. The finding of large. muJbnucIcatcd clumps of cclls in ihe hronchiol secnrtions of a 2-year-old girl with aculc hronchopncumonia suggests thal ihis infcction is causcd by
a. Siaph. aurcus
b. Epstct-Barr virus
c. legionclia
d. rhinovirus
(^Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
39. Which one of the following immunizations should be administered immcdialely after birlh?
a. Diphtcria-pcrlussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccinc
b. Hacmophilus influenzae Cypc b vaccinc @ Hepatitis B vaccine
d. HIV vaccinc
e. Orał polio vaccinc
40. A 3-ycar-old child presents ai ihe physicians ofllcc with symptoms of coryza, conjunctivitis, low-gradc fcver. and Koplik's spots. The causativc agent of this disease belongs to which group of viruses?
a. Adcnovirus
b. Hcrpcsvirus
c. Picomavirus
d. Orthomyxovirus ©Paramyxovirus
41. A hospital worker is found to have hepatitis B surface antigen. Subsequcnt tests reveal the prcsence of e antigen as well. I he worker most likely {jyls infectivc and has active hepatitis
b. Is infective but does not have active hepatitis
c. Is not infective
d. Is evincing a biologie false-positive test for hepatitis
e. Mas both hepatitis B and C
42. Which of the following markers is usually the first viral marker detccted after hepatitis B infection?
a. MBeAg (b)HBsAg
c. HBcAg
d. Anti-HBc
c. HBcAb
43. Which of the following is found within the nuclei of infected hepatocytes and not usually in the peripheral circulation?
a. HBeAg
b. HBsAg (SjHBcAg
d. Anti-HBc
e. HBcAb