


Yintagc Transport Kił

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front « f cc I cjvke*

Out at a in at h Out nl c in Jl d Out ot e in j! Continuc tlili w\|k*etice unlil the »[X)Łcc Jrc ccmplete.

Front tyrc f 1 in jl 2 Out at \ in Jl I (Xn at $ in * 6 Ccnlinoc lhi» wi^icti.e umil the ty te is c.ur.pSetc fach hok i* uced lwice


Out .ii I in .ii 2 Out Jt 1 in at 4 Out at $ in at &

Contirauc thic Ki|ueree until the liood u cwnpktc.

Front w mg Out Jt A in jt II (hit Jl C in at O (hit at U in at F (ha Jl O in UII Contim* ihii vcqi»ccKc umil rt rveli lt>e running boJtd

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Running lx\vd OM Jl I in M J Kcjr w nip Ni4c: ilic iv.ii mii]: Aatcc wmc haki wr.h ihc hood.

Oil jl A in at II

Oil tl C in Jt l>

Oil Jl I- in Jl F Conunuc ihit telnet cc wilii il medi ilt< itening bojrd.

Ikmacl jml cab OM jl F Iii ji K (Kil ji l.inat M Oil ji N in M O Oil al N in al M ‘ Hit U K małp OM Jl 0 in al r Om ji 0 >n ji R OM ji S in ji R IM .il S in al I (lul Jl L' in al T

Om jt U in ji V Slitch the bonncl and cjhagłio (l>iil im4 ihc titliator VJp) mi < ii inilllKll willi lwu ihmJi.

Siccrinp włiccl Oni it j in al b Out jl c in ji <1 Out j| c in at tl Out Jl c in al f OM jI g in al f Out al ■ iii al h Out »t c m .il h OM al i m at j

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Oul Jl Tin ii*

Oul j| 7 ui jl S

lhcx hnaMhci nauiMi *t

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ui oim?i7onn\ ohwtitit:


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