64911 Vintager Kitr

64911 Vintager Kitr

Fo Km-jA-L i ne. s


Yintagc Transport Kil

Kcar \\hccl

Slileh m ihe w»mc w.i>

j» iłic front w lic cl


()ut at I in a! 2 Out at 1 in at 4 Out at 5 in at 6 Contim* thb *cquencc iintił the IkhhJ U crwnplctc.

rhese patiem dcmiU shnuld be uscd in conjtinitinn wilh the Form-A-I i no Oencral IttMrm bon shccl

“Out ul..." means bf ulg the nccdlc Irom the back ot'the v\i»rk ihrnuiih to Ihe front.

“Irt at . .** rneain lakę the ncciilc ftom the right side oi the wnrh (Iimu^)i to Ihe bock.

Oii many scenom of this design lome hole* are iiscd niorc than ónec.

Front whcel *pi>kc\

Out at n in at h Out nt c in at d Out at r in at f Coutinur th»s Kt]uCflCć umil tlić \pokct are completc.

Fronttyre Out at I in at 2 fhit at \ in at l Out at 5 in al 6 Coniinuc Iluś $equcttcc until the tyrc is Cdapktc. Fach hole i* uscd lwice

Front u mg Out at A in a( H Oiit at C in at O (hit at F in at I Out at G in it 11 Ccmtinuc this scijocikc umil it mccii the ninning boatd

•... •

Kunning boord Oul j! I in al J

Kear wing Nule: Ihe ic.u wing sharcs Mime Mc* *nh ihe IkkkI.

Oni al A m al II Oni al C in al O Oni al l:. in al F Coniinuc thi% icijucnee umil il mcctt llic rtinninr board.

Iłonnct and cab Oni al F in al Oul al I. «n al \1 Oni al N inni O Oni al N in al M Oni ai K in ul P Out al Q in al P Oul al Q in al K Oul al S in al R Oul ni S in al I

Om al L' in at T Out at L in ai V Mi ich the kurne: and cahagainiłiut not the radiator cap) mi rf i, tuillaicd «iih lwu ihrcids

Slccring whcci

Out al a in al l>

Oul al c in al il Out at c iii at il Oul al c in al f Oul al « in al f Oul al it iii al h Oul at c in .il h I HU at i in Al j

Windurccn (HU at P in at W


Dul at sl in at *2 (*nl al *3 iii al sZ Oni al *3 tn at O Out al d ni al *4 (Hit .il s5 in al *6 Oul al «7 in al >6 (Mn al *7 in al sl Slitch che »cal agam u* it mitlined with iwo threadf


Oul al 1 in m 2 Oul al 3 in at 2 Oni il 3 in at I Out al I in al 4 Out al 5 in al 6 Out al 7 in al 6 Out at 7 in al I

I Me* tumu t-l ret imOnKMaiw mc i*tj«r»*i f JOODBI Drt>|in

4.kI «ui> nel Iw trpfixJus.cJ **hoM prtavnfc«l hWrJid l»> ( juJ Im** i jii.ci    IIIII m

l«ia Hau \l 4<H t. ix Id •ll»1IXWIM\ OI4WTI7477


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