600690D2092672488119s4535595 n

600690D2092672488119s4535595 n

32. Shiycłiośs i* common in invtlcn to dc\ doping countrics Intcclion is commonty acquimi

chrough the a Skin

^^Ciaatrmnicstirul traci

c.    Respiratory traci

d.    (icnitaJ traci

c. Nasai traci

33. fhe antihiotic of choice for streptococcal pharyngitis is ^}Pcruciliin h. Ampicillin

c.    Erythromycin

d.    Vancomycin C. Ccftriaxonc

34. The therapy of choice for pseudomembranous enterocolitis is

a.    Penicillin

b.    Ampicillin

c.    Erythromycin (J)Vancomycin

e. Ceftriaxon

35. A woman. rccently retumed firom Africa. complains of having paroxysmal attacks ofchills, fevcr. and sweating: thesc attacks last a day or two at a time and recur cvcry 36 to 48 h. Examination of a stained blood spccimcn reveals ringi ike and crescent-likc forma within red blood cells. The infecting organism most likely is

a.    Strcp. pneumoniae

b.    Plasmodium vivax

c.    Trypanosoma gambiense

d.    Wuchereria banerofti {e) Schistosoma mansoni

36. The main advantage of passive immunization over active immunization is that passive immunization

a.    eliminates the risk of hypersensitivity reactions

b.    is effective against multiple organisms

c.    is cost-eflective as a public health measure \T)provides immediate protection

e. magnifies the specific immune response to the oflfending organism

37. Which one of the following infection is most often involved in the neonatal transmission of hepatiris B virus (HBV)? a. Blood transfusion

@Fetal contact with infectcd blood during childbirth

c.    Ingestion of the virus via matemal breast milk

d.    Transmission of the virus from hospital personnel during childbirth

e.    Transplaccntal transmission of the virus


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