I. TRANSCRIPTION I. (front Ihc orthography)
A. Indicntc thc prosodics: rhythm and intonatinn.
(Account for your dccisions/trunscription; analy/.c caclt scntcncc (classificatinn of clcmcnts), add commcnts.) •<
A. Did you sec 'Othcllo' łasi nighl? B. I hc opera you mean? No. 1 d\dn’t.
A. I saw ii; and quite enjoyed ii. B. Did you? I thought you didn'\ like tclcvision
li. Transcribc thc pronunciation; indicatc thc assimilations etc. (Add oplanations).
willi examples)
III. TRANSCRIPTION 2 (from ear-training diciatUm)
)5.<now> |
1. now |
l6.<now> |
2. now |
17.<now> |
3. now |
18.<now> |
4. now |
l9.<now> |
5. now |
20.<now> |
6. now |
21.- What woutd vou like to do?> |
7. What would you liketo |