ANG2șnking verbs

ANG2șnking verbs

~ U ta CE c

Banking Yerbs

CÂŁylA 1/ I Oc


A, “Of course 1 don’t have mac kind ot mor.ey. ! had (6)

See 10 across.

/5- “I snowed che bank my business dan. and they

oftered evervching I asked

tor.” (4)

Wich che cheąue guarancee card, shops know

chac che bank will...........any cheąue up

co ÂŁ100. (6)

>( 1 ‘When I di^covered my mistake, I mmediatHy

called che bank and asked chem co..........

che cheąue.” (4)

and 4. The borrower was unabie co repay che

Principal, and asked che bank co...........

che loan. (4. 4)

12.    â€1 had co scand m a queue for fifceen minuces

jusc co...........a five pound cheąue.” (4)

13.    and 13. down. An importanc function of a central

bank is co acc as lender of...........(4, 6)

A ‱ ‘When 1 pointed out co che bank chac ic was cheir miscake. they agreed to^P jAT . . /■. me a!! che excra charges !’d paid.” (9)

2 i. See 22 across.

and A. When ic becomes obvious chat it has a bad debt, che bank has

...........(5. 3)

lr.vestmenc banks stocks

and bonds (5)

&: “Did v"i know chat cnev even have machines

now wheie you well as cake

out mcney?” (7)

8. Since they clearly couldnk afford co pa\ back che loans chen, che banks had to agree to ..........che debt. (10)

A The clearing system makec it much easier co .i l H......incer-bank debts.    (6)

“They agreed to grane me a...........tor six

monchs.” (4)

“If they make another big miscake like char I’m

going co.......... . all my connections witn

chat bank.” (5)

s /

LSI It is usuaily che role of che centra! bank ro ...........che minimum tnceresc    race.    (3)

yc Many    Tnird World councries    are    unabie co

...........cheir debts. lec alone repav che

principal. (7)

18. See 13 across.

20. Companies generally use investmenc banks to ........    - new shares or bonds for chem. (5)












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16 “We nearly went bust, but at che lasc minutę che bank agreed out.” (4)

-4. An investmenc witn a high risk is usuaily compensaced by way of a high...........(5)


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