ANG2 k2 05 4
IV. The Environment. Just translate the following terms into (A) English, (B) Polish A) (10 points)
1. zdrowy (np. zdrowa gospodarka) - s.
2. dostawcy - sWpbAd&rt................
3. wygoda - 1. comfort © 2. c.
4. zwykły, szary obywatel
5. zobowiązywać się - to p
B) r J T
1. sustainability - ...
2. aarment -
3. merchandise - . .........„.............................
f TT i ' i
4. fleece -......fWPJ*.:.....Ą-tfy. b.rrtr...................
5. to empower - TTTTAAATTWTTTTA.... T&O............................... v9/ ^
V. Grammar.
A) Passive Voice © © ©
(10 * 2 = 20 points)
Transform the following sentences into suitable passive structures, please: l.You usually serve this kind of meat with a white sauce.
Ar &..$**•
2. At the time my sister was looking after the children for us
....._____.....ZV. /) jbj-Tsld' ^7/ ■*- Cls /? OAa,
d&JU.... iLźJdLdc*... .... l&Aye.. -fjsj, ^
3. The police have issued a.description of the wanted man.
4. Somebody should build a new bridge in Warsaw.
5. A buralar broke into Madonna's house.
' f J
^ A//6Z ...../ST^9.........................
6. Evervbodv knows that eating vegetaoles is good for you.
........ Art... .j... ^*.VT... ..... .. .Art.... 4^
7. People say that Ricky Martin is dating Kylie Minoąue!
.....i. <hLuT^ - • .....rtrt... L .4... bŁ Łdjbp........Avv
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