

First Certificate Practice

Used to can also describe past States.

I used to own a horse. (I owned a borse once.)

Notę these forms of used to:

I didn’t use to like be er.

Didyou use to swim every day?

3    Would

Would is used to describe a person’s typical activities in the past.

It can only be used to describe repeated actions, and is mainly used in writing, and in personal reminiscences.

Every evening was the same. Jack would tum on the radio, light his pipę and fali asleep.

4    Past continuous

The past continuous can be used to describe a repeated action in the past, often an annoying habit. A frequency adverb is necessary.

W hen Peter was younger, he was always getting into trouble.

Politeness and    The past continuous with the verb wonder has a polite meaning.

uncertainty    1 was wondering if you couldhelp me.

With the verb think the past continuous suggests uncertainty.

I was thinking of baving a party next week.



Choose a suitable caption for each picture.

a)    When he left, Peter forgot that he had put his passport and wallet in his other jacket.

b)    After phoning the airport, Peter packed his suitcase.

c)    Peter put his passport and wallet in his jacket pocket.

d)    Before leaving, Peter phoned the airport to check his flight.

e)    While Peter was packing his suitcase, he realised that he hadn’t checked his flight.

f)    While Peter was packing his suitcase, the phone rang.

Unit 1 Pasttime

Choose the most suitable tense. The first one is dane for you.


Put each verb in brackets into a suitable tense.

Ali sentences refer to past time. Only use the past perfectwhere this is absolutely necessary.

a)    I suddenly remembered that I forgotXhad forgotten)mv keys.

b)    While Diana watched/was watchinjhher favourite television programme, there was a power-cut.

c)    Tom used to liv~e/would live in the house at the end of the Street.

d)    Who was driving/drove the carat the time of the accident?

e)    By the time Sheila got back, Chris went/had gone."-.

f)    David ate/had eaten japanese food before, so he knew what to order.

g)    I did/was doirig some shopping yesterday, when I saw that Dutch friend of yours.

h)    Łused to like/was liking sweets much morę than I do now.

i)    What~exactly were you doing/did you do when I came into your office

yesterday?    _______

j)    Laura missed the party because no-one was telling/had told her about it.

k)    Tanya would/used to be a doctor.

"......,    _    I

a) While I (try)    to get my car started, a passing car (stop) .rlLdpj.L..V: and the driver (offer) .i.i......... to help me.

b)    Thepolice(pay) (JkCd......noattention toClarescomplaintbecause she

(phone)diifL0]hii..L them so mąny times before.

c)    Mary (not wear) illifóU.ld..': her glasses at the time, so she (not notice)

t i    .....what kind of car the man (drive)    i

d)    Nick (lie) ...l.O.;;......... down on the grass for a while, next to some tourists

who (feed)the ducks. >

e)    Tony (admit) .i..;.;:...;...... that he (hit)    the other car, but said that

he (not damage).

f)    Sorry, I (not listen) Liiuill.ń:. tb you. I (think).....1... about something else.

g)    Helen (feel) ......... . very tired, and while she (finish) .-j'M\MX.L... her

studying, she (fali) ....f.1.1.......asleep.

h)    The police (get) .id..:.:..-........ to Clare’s house as fast as they could, but the

burglars (disappep)    |    ,

i)    I (phone) £u&J3££t.... you last night but you (not answer)    . What

(you do)lw.?M[.{^Ci-.J.. ? MX

•7 fi


Decide whether the tense underlined is suitable or not.

]) We (not go) CiULk.j..ijvout yesterday because it (rain) iUiU

a)    While I had a bath, someone knocked on the door,

b)    Sally didnT go to a boxing match before.    -f

c)    Harry tried to repair the car, but he didn’t really know what he was doing.

d)    What did you wear to the Ponsonbys’ party ? fMUilk.Ł.

e)    Were you eating spaghetti every day when you lived in Italy? .1,41:1....U/. <

f)    I didn’t know you had bought a new car.;Vd.y.f    \ h ...

g)    They all wanted to believe her, but suspected she was lying. .iLl.tó.kl.

h)    As Peggy wałked home, she tried to remember what happened. ;

i)    ‘What a terrible day!’ thought Lucy. Everything had gone wrong! .Av'.!.'il,J;.l..l'

j)    Although it rained a lot,I was enioying my holiday lastyear. ;.v..,.,....l... .-



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