


nit 97 1PrGsent Simple ' Present Porfect (Continuous)

=> 247

t. Uzupełnij zdania stosując Present Simple lub Present Perfect (Continuous) :

1 How long    study) philosophy ?

2. We OtBi.........'(prefer) tąspend our free time at home.

3    My neigirbour fc\GS.. AxSV...lf)^s ^tjust / move out) to Manchester.

4    Jack's talking to his bi^ss. They    for one hour now.

5    I VX)d& Wmr.C0j&O$$er / operate) a machinę like this in my life. e Doeo,.i«.fey ^(Brain / know) anyllimg about tomorrow's demonstration ?

7    There MltfM i    (not be) any messages from the headąuarters sińce

stinursaay    yęAbAO

our bike is all in mud. Where    (you Aide) Tom ?

. (not want) anything to eat. I    (just /

last Thursday    VxWO

8    Your


take) a big hamburger. > i    '    • r

10 They \^.S^^>..V^0Q(V|not record) any song yet. They    ^ 1

1    UO^J..^wsP:... ...' (Sharon / work) in the garden in her tree time i

2    Ja£.    / ever/try) to learn to speak Japanese ?    >    ,

3    They JCVA/CŁ4........(know) each other very well. They

(look for) a managerjor ten months now. n.Do^m^hf iron / work) in the garden in her free time ?

(live) together for a long time.    AŁoin

14    Stop drilling for a while ! You llOOfc . A......(make) this horrible noise

sińce I came

15    You ll have a charice to meet Paula at the party tomorrow,' 'Thafs great. I QUXU|). CMt^O-^^lways / dream) about nieeting her.'

eimj dialogi :    i ,

How much time doB).A... (it / usuaily / take) you to iron a shirt ? I don’t know. I    ,.^^7...never / iron) a shirt in my life. *

.....(not see) you for ages. What kvQ)V&...

II. Uzupełnij dialog

1 A B

2. A

(you / do) , Bob ?

B: I ............................. (travel) around Europę recently.

A:    / start) painting the wal)s yet ?

B: No. I tó^..te^...feMtry) to find my brush sińce morning.

A. Why is the Computer on ? ..

B Someone    ..S^Al^use) it, I suppose.-

A How many credits 000.    ij^^tjrcra n k / grant) .sofar ?

8. Nonę. We . .....diOuT.! A . (not grant) credits at all,

A: \(o6 dC.otoM. (srefSwąys1'/ complain) so much ?

B Yes. She ....... ..:.v^....l/^'(fe) like that ever sińce I met her.



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