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~~ Complrwihr un/in.łl>«l .rnlencMmthiidialoKur The fu u one u donc as an cj, Ample VouH hutę i«> uie your iraaginauon to hrmh Patieni Good moming. doctor
Doctor H*Uo.SfrJona. »hat 3<«mt to u t>»<, VeaWi ł P4tirm WeII. I krep rrmof tbrse hcadjchcc
Doctor Uhrn efrej-*■-***>- * J «. . »'*« /.
rjumi Aft er I grr borne front t»ork utuall,
Doctor Wh4. efe /M lo/(^ //„* p>uU^,
Pjtirnr I asualłr fłkr ico iiWe of aspirim /nd eha. ceemTto do ihc Docror Howl n, *8* Lrr<«
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. e --- * •— i -<C J-£y)
Panem For the pan r» or m-ce rnontii o
Donor -Mia^ /Wf y Q*J Lit- 5 ^
Płt^or Weil. it d»dn*t reafly term bad enny^h to br wortb froftling ,ou *ts*Ut. . UDm <*.~V.
Doctor Harc 6"~ Wi "d** thanucuaD
PAtient Yca. I supposc so. Since mr aimfanc wit mad* rrdundant |’ve
bern dotng bit woflt as wdl as minę ,
Doctor Hsvc Vc^~ łrteJ łm t>/X fGUr bo* 4 *
Pstirnt Y>.. bur be 14 ys (bat ił I can"r do the work, I II lose my |ob too
tru ^ ixr» *-ri'U' ■»>£ ?- f<j« / t/*,
Panrnr Cin you give ihe a cernficaVso rhat I carf be off work for a week
/»>^ As t •« *“
Jłicn my boss w/U havc ro do my work lor a wcek and kc*ll &ee how oterworkęd I am.
Would *^r 2
Oh yes, /u-o weekj would bc eta better
r /1 n .-.-t ef ,
Thank you vcry iuuu.
Pattcm Ali right, doctor.
Fili rhc gaps with a suicablc word.
1 I hit my hand on che desk and it rcally
2 Thcy say she died of a hearr
3 She had some apples that wcren’t rcady to ear and now shc’s gor sromachc- ^
4 fve got rhis terrible ‘ *1 in my neck from sleeping in the wrong posmon.
He died of lu.* 4 ' cancer evcn though he nevej; smoked a cigarette in his łife
1 went to the docroK and she gave me a u'i mf*+ ^ tor some tscTerj Połlution makes her 0.4 worse and ir s dtfficult lor her ro brearhe.
There are different forms of hepatitis; one is a morę serious than the other
I hurt nd cwhen I fell off that chair. 4e*4ę_
My back * htorf-ó from sitting at rhat Computer all day.
h.Ur‘ h