angielski kielbratowska choroby

angielski kielbratowska choroby


— Compiete the un/inishcd scntcncc^ in chis dialogue. The firsr one is done as an exampie. You'IJ have to use your imagmation to finish icf

Patiem: Good morning, doctor.

Doctor: Ha!/o,MrJones, whac    ic be Łł-ię troubU. ?

Panem: Well.I kcep ectting these headachcs. t

Doctor: Whefl C&g *    J L * /*i? * */&t    (7o /*** ll&l/ć

Patient Aherlget home from work usu^ly.

Doctor: Whac    ^ r    _

Pa den c: I usually ralce a couole of aspirins and that seems to dojhejtrick.

Doctor: Howlong    y oh.

do    h>    iolue

ł^etc h e&dOl(J*es) l Mm <> ProUe^ (

Patient For the past two or rhree months.    .    y

Doctor wh> J>»yr /.we    w?** J***^'"f

Patiem: Weil, it didn’t really sccm bad enough to hc worth trouoling you abour.    ,    U&L+

*<si^ M>€4<r hciJe.i/'ć4 ? 5 P Im f bo


I IA    *"*


*-»<r ?

Doctor: Have /Ti*



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