Ask Me Everything7

Ask Me Everything7

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How can a frc leap so far?

Most frogs have long, muscular hind legs and long feet.

These allow frogs to push hard against the ground when they jump. Frogs also storę jumping energy by stretching their tendons like springs. This extra power helps many frogs leap 10 to 20 times their body length.


How to: jump like a frog

W ■ ■ Prepare for liftoff! Face the direction you want to jump, and brace yourself.

■ Takeoff!

Spring from your back legs, propeling yourself forward and upward.

m Tense those leg muscles. Press your back feet firmly into the ground.

I don’t|| believe it

A frog shuts its eyes when it catches prey, so it must take careful aim. It also seems to blink when it swallows: its eyes sink into its skuli to help force food down its throat.

Ali together no w!

Małe frogs croak in a midnight \9W chorus to attract females and frighten away rivals.

Most małe frogs have an inflatable,

balloonlike vocal sac in the floor of their mouths to make their croak louder.

The croak of an American bullfrog UW is said to sound like the words "jug o’ rum!”

The tiny painted reed frog has the

loudest frog cali for its size. Males can be heard almost 1.2 miles (2 km) away from their pond.

Małe white-lipped frogs make extra \^W noise by pounding their vocal sac on the ground as they cali.

■ As you land, extend your front legs to break your fali.

■ With your legs stretched out behind you, let your streamlined body glide through the air.



The well-named rocket frog can jump an amazing 50 times the length of its body in one leap, morę than m 6.6 ft (2 m). a


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