Ask Me Everything4

Ask Me Everything4

Ramp: Aircraft park at the terminal buildings on an area called the ramp or apron.

Undercarriage: The aircraffs undercarriage is retracted just after takeoff to give the piane a smoother, morę aerodynamic shape for the climb.

Flight plan

Preparations for a flight begin when the crew file their flight plan in the airport terminal and check weather reports for the route.

Fueling the piane

While the crew deal with the official side of the flight, the plane’s fuel tanks are filled. It is vital that the correct amount of fuel is pumped on board.

Preflight checks

A crewmember walks around the aircraft to visually check that everything is okay. Then the crew go through a preflight checklist in the cockpit to make surę that everything is set correctly.

Engine start

A few minutes before the scheduled takeoff time, the piane is pushed away from the terminal building. The crew is given permission to start the engines and taxi out to the end of the runway.


Wheels: The main wheels retract into the wings and body of the aircraft.

Flaps Flaps are extended from the wings to give the piane morę lift for takeoff.

■ To climb away from the ground safely, the piane must reach a speed called V2. For our jet aircraft, this is around 165 knots, or 190 mph (306 kph).

Aircraft takeoff 172|173

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