Ask Me Everything4

Ask Me Everything4

Invent!ve minds

Fast-food favorite

Canadians claim Alexander Graham Bell, inventor ofthe telephone, as their own. Bom in Scotland, he later moved to Canada where he madę his all-important experiments with sound. Here are some other Canadian bright sparks:

Ask for poutine in any fast-food outlet or diner in Canada and you will get a piąte of French fries covered with fresh curd cheese * and brown gravy. This dish, invented in Ouebec in the 1950s, has become a national favorite.

James Naismith

Came up with the idea of nailing a peach basket to the wali and aiming a soccer bali through it. Basketball was bom!


I don t I believe it i

Sports medley

Frederick Banting

Won a Nobel Prize for isolating the hormone insulin and discovering a successful treatment for diabetes.

Canada isn’t all forests, frozen lakes, and rocky shores—Okanagan Desert in Southern British Columbia is Canada’s only true desert, a huge, arid landscape that is home to many rare birds of prey.

^ŚLIce hockey (usually called “hockey”) is the national winter sport. It is played by 25 percent of the małe population of Canada.

Thomas Ahearn

lnvented many electrical Products, including the first electric oven.

Reginald Fessenden

Credited with making the first broadcast of the human voice in 1905.

Arthur Sicard

Marketed a canny device for clearing snów—the snowblower.

,anada’s oldest


ianff National

ark, which was -eated in 1885 \n AlberthsBocky Mountains.

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The world’s longest public

ice rink is a 4.8-mile (7.8-km) section of

JŚL The national summer sport is lacrosse, a field gamę that originated among the Iroąuois Nation, who are said to have played it with teams of 1,000 people.

Hockey Night in Canada is the world’s

the Rideau Canal in the heart of Ottawa, which freezes over from

December to February.


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longest-running TV sports show—it has been on the air sińce 1952.

Canada has hosted the Summer Olympics once (Montreal 1976 and the Winter Olympics twice (Calgary 1988 and Vancouver 2010).

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JŚ^The official mascots for the Vancouver Olympics, Miga, Ouatchi, and Sumi, were based on Native American mythical animals.




River rafting

Salmon fishing

Going to the rodeo in Calgary

The world’s biggest tides

are found in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, where the tidal rangę (the difference in height between Iow and high tides) can be as much as 55 ft (17 m).


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