219 tweehonderd negentien
B. Vul de ontbrekende woorden in:
1 There were numerous difficullies, but he has never been willlng to lose heart.
Er maren ........ moeilijkheden, maar nooit heeft hij
2 Next Sunday l'm having my birthday: I have a number (series) of friends who will send me cards and gitts.
Zondag .......... heb ik mijn .......... ;
ik heb een ..... vrienden die me kaarten en cadeaus
3 She uses the language without the slightest hesitation.
Ze ........ de taal zonder de minste ..........
4 You must continue to study in order to expand your vocabulary.
U moet ....... studeren om uw ............ uit
te ........
5 On the square you can admire splendid old buildings.
Op het ..... kan u prachtige oude ........
1 talrijke - moed - verliezen. — 2 aanstaande - verjaardag - reeks -sturen. - 3 hanteert - aarzeling . - 4 blijven - woordenschat -breiden. — 5 plein - gebouwen - bewonderen.
Now you begin the active phase of your study.
Learn each new lesson as you have done until now. (Review the method recommended on page VII to be surę you are still following it correćtly).
In each new lesson you will be reminded to go back and review one of the earlier lessons, starting with Lesson One. Your generał knowledge of Dutch will now allow you to master the earlier lessons with ease!
Use the following procedurę in the second wave of your study:
1. Read the lesson, repeating each sentence once. If you have the recordings, listen to them carefully.
2. Cover the Dutch text and try to reconstruct it, looking only at the English sentences. Make an effort to do this both out loud and in writing. This is the most important part of the second wave!
3. After you are finished, uncover the Dutch text and carefully correct any errors you have madę.
After each new lesson, you will be told which earlier lesson you are to review in this precise way. This second wave of your study will lead to an active and, in a very short time, spontaneous knowledge of Dutch.
So, here we go!
Second Wave: Lesson 1
50'“ LES