Yourdifficulty is: Tight Muscles:
Starting Position:
Common Errors:
Norma! Mobility:
Opening your mouth slightly without lower jaw moving to the right.
Musclcs involved in chewing:
1 temporalis
2 masseter
3 pterygoideus meclialis.
Sit with back straight and ’long’ neck. Support forehead with left hand. Place right forefinger and middle finger inside mouth, as far back 2' possible over teeth on right side; steady this grip with right thumb agairnc right side of jaw.
1. Look down. With right hand, puli jaw forward, pressing its back edge down with finger lips, so tliat stretch is felt in right side of jaw.
2. Look up. Try to move jaw backward against pressure of right hand: hołd for 5 seconds.
3. Rclax and look down. With right hand, puli jaw forward and press dowr with fingers to limit - maybc a lillle bil morę.
4. Rcpcat until you fccl you can stretch no further and muscles fecl tighr. Hold this finał stretch from 15 seconds to a minutę or morę.
1. Revcrse grip, right hand to back of neck, left hand to left side of jaw.
2. Look down and to the left, movc jaw down and to the left to limit.
3. Rcsist that movement willi left hand.
4. Hołd position a lew seconds.
* Head turns.
* Neck bent backward.
Eycs look in wrong dircction.
* Wrong hand grip.
* Fingers slidc off back teeth.
* Right thumb not firmly on jaw.
1. Eyc movements make this easier to do.
2. Stretch should be felt only on right side.
3. If stretch is painful, consult a doctor.
You should be able to give yoursclf a noticeably underhung jaw.