

~is~ 1 Człowiek

Test 2 Dom

1    swivel

2    bunk

3    roller

4    framed

5    chest

(LONG) of

.(RESIDENT) area.


0 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami, -ierwsze litery zostały podane.

1    After the trele, we returned home completely

e_. We could hardly walk.

2    She was morę than happy when she received he

news; she was absolutely e_.

3    When I realised the dog was going to attack us,

I was so t_I couldn't move.

4    He's a bit too v_for my taste. He loves

looking at himself in the mirror!

5    She's wonderfully e_. She always does

everything well and thoroughly and doesn't seem to waste any time.

0 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.

: ierwsze litery zostały podane.

1    I had just enough time to g_at the clock

and see it was 8.30.

2    Please don't I_back in your chair when

l'm talking to you.

3    She stopped to w_something in John's

ear, then left the room.

4    I saw the man b_his fist on the table angrily.

5    If you want to appear friendly and open, don't

f_your arms across your chest.

<0 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.

1    I must say I don't approve_the way you treat

your girlfriend.

2    Jack's friends complimented him_his

performance in the play.

3    If you insist_doing everything perfectly, you

may never fmish this task.

4    Mrs Wood takes pride_her children.

5    Jane is completely focused_her studies.

0 .zupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od .■.yrazów podanych w nawiasach.

1    She's a good friend, loyal and_(SUPPORT).

2    What he said seemed completely_

(LOGIC) to me - it didn't make any sense.

3    Being able to control your emotions is perceived

as a sign of_(MATURĘ).

4    l'm afraid our actions were based on a false _(ASSUME).

5    I have problems getting things done because l'm



Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery zostały podane.

1    She lives in a little s_fiat in London.

2    l'm so cold! Let me sit next to the r_to

warm myself up.

3    They live in a high-rise błock on a 1970s housing


4    This cooker cannot be repaired any morę. You'!l

have to r_it. A new one shouldn't be

too expensive.

5    lt'll take us twenty years to pay off the

m_on this house.

^ Dopasuj wyrazy, tak aby utworzyć rzeczowniki złożone.

EU a photograph □ b ofdrawers EJ c chair EJ d blinds EJ e beds

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi przyimkami.

1    Mrs Pearce lives in another fiat and she lets this

one_to tenants.

2    After the party, we had to clean_the mess

before our parents returned.

3    We've bought a new house. We can move_

next month.

4    This fiat is in poor condition. It needs doing_

5    A!ex and Rosie have decided to set_house


Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach.

1    The room was wonderfully_(SPACE)

and airy.

2    Her fiat is very_(STYLE) and elegant.

3 We need to measure the this room.

4    They live in a quiet_

5    The__(MAINTAIN) of a huge house like

this must cost a fortunę.


Longman Repetytorium Maturalne • poziom rozszerzony • Książka nauczyciela    PHOTOCOPIABLE



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