Zadamie typu prawpa-fałsz
1 Zadanie maturalne
1F 2T 3F 4T 5F
1 The Multicultural Festiyal is the town's main attraction.
The Multicultural Festival might one day become the town's main attraction.
3 There wili definitely be seyeral lectures during the festiyal.
They might be seyeral lectures during the festiyal.
5 Steve asks for yolunteers to work at the eyents he's described.
Steve asks for yolunteers who'd like contribute to the festiyal to contact him with their ideas.
2 When you've got people of a dozen nationalities in your class, you can learn so much from them, and it's such fun, and we thought its a shame that the rest of the community isn't able to share in some of that experience.
4 ...with the generous funding from the Town Council...
Dobieranie____ ______________
1 Zadanie maturalne
1 D 2 E 3 A 4 B
A The equality of men and women, the hierarchy at university.
B She couldn't go to lessons because of a student strike; shes doing a project on it.
C Lifelong friends are not mentioned at all.
D The amount of money you spend; student grants.
E The stereotype: Being an Erasmus student involves partying and drinking in international company and hardly anything else. Tomek's view: If you’re looking for morę than parties and superficial contacts, you should find it easily.
Test wielokrotnego wyboru ____
1 Zadanie maturalne
1 A 2 D 3 B 4 B 5C
1 he broke his own record by hitching 2,500 kilometresfrom Warsaw to Barcelona in thirty-four hours
2 Ifyou choose to hitchhike, you make a decision to rety on people's goodwill.
3 you’vegot somewhere [...] to have a bite to eat, to hidefrom the rain...
4 ...the best thingfor me is meeting incredible people...
5 ...he said it was against his religion to leaue me by the road at nightfall.
ID, 3D |
c |
2A, 4A |
a |
3C |
d |
4A, 4C, 4D |
b |
Rozumienie tekstu czytanego
1 Zadanie maturalne
2 Analiza zadania
1 |
a (temat - emigranci ginący na granicy) d (lose their liues - die, drown, are killed) |
2 |
a (temat - piosenki) c, d (ballads - such songs - they) |
3 |
c (they - Abelardo and his cousin) e (ajter many hours...; later) |
4 |
c (thisjact) |
5 |
b (The decrease could be due to...) d (drop - decrease) |
Test wielokrotnego wyboru__
1 Zadanie maturalne
2 Analiza zadania
1 ... a murmurof approval...
2 ... huge trained birds that roar in anger as they carry people in their bellies around the world
3 It is a land of riddles: a land of great ingenuity but little wisdom; a land with many possessions, but little happiness; a land of unspeakable wealth amidst desperate poverty.
4 'I don't believe you! (...) Ifyou heat gold, it changes slowly from solid to liquid, first it's thick, then it becomes thinner. That's how things change.'
5 This is a question about gist; the answer can been inferred from the whole text.
Przykłady błędnych odpowiedzi:
2 A - canyons
3 C - happiness
3 D - the old / the young
Struktury leksykalno
Rozpoznawanie struktur leksykalno-gramatycznych
Test luk sterowanych_____
1 Zadanie maturalne
2 Analiza zadania
1 ... that can cause you to become ill... / that can cause an illness
2 ... where they prepare jood.
3 przecinek - przed that nie stosujemy przecinka; some oj them rozpoczynałoby następne zdanie: A uariety ofbacteria were jound. Some oj them could cause dangerous injectious diseases.
4 Zdanie to jest poprawne gramatycznie, ale nie pasuje do kontekstu całego tekstu ponieważ used to oznacza, że było tak z reg_? w przeszłości, a teraz już nie.
5 to contract a disease
6 a Odpowiedź B jest błędna, ponieważ
mowa jest o jakiejkolwiek toalecie, a nie o konkretnej.
b In all public toilets ... (
Stosowanie struktu
Uzupełnianie luk
1 Zadanie maturalne
1 a 4 have
2 to 5 of
3 soon
2 Analiza zadania
1 Wskazówka 6
2 Wskazówka 2
3 Wskazówka 3b
4 Wskazówka 3a
5 Wskazówka S
1 Zadanie maturalne
1 unacceptable
2 effectively
3 terrifying
4 performance
5 weight
2 Analiza zadania
1 Wskazówka 4
2 Wskazówka 2
3 Wskazówka 3
4 Wskazówka 5
Plum acz en ie fragmentó
1 Zadanie maturalne
1 at each other
2 have lived here / have been living here
3 We were told / We've been told
4 make up for
5 when the course starts / begins
2 Analiza zadania
1 e 2d 3a 4b 5c
Transformacje zdam
1 Zadanie maturalne
1 up with
2 have I heard
3 are reported to be hiding
4 was madę to apologise
5 older he gets / grows, the happier he seem;
2 Zadanie maturalne
1 to have her ears pierced
2 had been less
3 have run out of
4 are not old enough
5 must have seen