Awarcness, Babics, Bclrayal, Caution, Cowardice. Easincss, Energy, Enlightcning, Friendliness, Happincss, Hazards, Heat. Hospllality, llluminallon, Innovallon. Nourishment. Stimulalion, Sun
. Abundancc, Accdcratcd leamlng, Actlon, Activity, Affirmation, Attractlon, Awarcness, Babics. Banishlng fear/lreachcry, Beauty, Bctrayal, Boosl Iow self-cstccm, Brcaking mcntal blocks, Calmmg tensions (pale), Caution, Ceremoniał magick (saffron), Changc, Charm, Cheer, Clanty. Commercc, CommunlcaUon, Concentration, Conftdcncc, Contact. Cowardice, Crealivlty, Dlrection, Drlvc away jealousy/cnvy (pale). Druid magick (saffron), Easincss, East, Emotionał control (saffron), Endurancc, Energy, Enlighlcnmcnt. Fricndship, Fruitfulncss, Gain lrust/convincc someone.Gcntle persuasion, Happincss, Hazards. Hcaling/health, Heat, Honor, Hope, Hospitality, Humility,
' lllummation, Imagination. Incrcasc crcativily/productivity, lnnovation, Inspiratioa Inlellect/intelligence. Inventiveness, Joy, Knowlcdge, Lcarning, Life, Lifc-force, Logic, Łuck (saffron), Magc-phest (saffron), Memory/memorizing, Menlal clanty, Money, Movement, NourishmcnL Obtain intellectual power. Passion, Personal po%ver, Persuadc with confidcnce, Power of the mind, Progress, Prosperity. Rcmove ncgative thinking, Sanily (saffron), Security, Selfcsteem, Selling yourself, Spcaking, Stability, Stimulating, Studying, Suddcn changes. Sunny disposition, Tcsts, T rade, Travel, Unity, Uplifting, Visualiaation, Vitality, Well-being, Wisdom, Writing
Higher Powers: Elemcntal air/flre, Sdar deiUes/energy. Tradc/travel/knowledge/magick dcities Time/Seasonal: Autumn (saffron), Bellane, Imbolc, Lammas/Lughnassadh, Litha, Mabon, Ostara. Samhain, Spring, Summer, Sunday
Zodiac/Planetary: Aquarius (pale), Canccr (saffron), Gemmi. Leo, Libra, Mcrcury, Sagittarius, the Sun, Taurus, Virgo
Chakra/Botly: Digestion. Gall bladder, Healing skin conditłons/stomach complaints/mcnstrual cramps, Livcr, Lower back, Mcntal healing, Pancreas, Solar p!cxus chakra, Spleen, Spine Magickal Abilities: Astral magick. Clairvoyance, Divination, Mcntal darity/powers
Europę: Jcalousy (France), Sadness (Grecce)
Eastcm: Imperial, Merchant (India). Monday/Buddhism (Thailand), Mourning (Egypt/Burma), Sacred
Middlc East: Happincss, Prosperity
| Additional Notes:
Brtghl yellows tend to carry the positive aspeets. whilc pale or muddy ycllows tend to carry the Strcngthens imagination and concentration in a rilual