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Gartble & Go(or TOigictj
Color: Purple, Yiolet
Contcmplation, Enchantment. Intuttion, Meditation. Mystery, Soul-Scarching, Spiritual. || Dark: Distance. lntrospection, Rlchncss, Royalty. Subdulng, Ylsion
Advertising. Ambilion, Anctcnt wisdom. Altractlon, Break bad luck. Ceremoniał magick, Clear thought, Comrnumcjtion, Compassion. Concentration. Conftdence. Contracts, Correspondcnces, Countcracting evd/negativtty/blaek magick. Creatlvity, Edltmg. Education. Emottonal healtng/control, Emotions, Expands what you already bave, Expansion. Forgtveness, Frcedom, Governmcnl (dk). Hcaling, Hcaling scvere dlscases, łłcal wounded pride. Hidden forccs/knowlcdgc. Honors, Household protection, Humility, Idealista Imagination. Influenctng powerful pcoplc, Inner peacc, Insptration. Intclligencc. Intuitioa Justice. Kinshlp, Lcadcrship, Logic, Mcditalioa Memory, Merchants, Messa ges, Mysticism, Nlght magick, Passioa Peacc, Pcrsonal responsibilily, Piety. Power, Pricst "power" color, Progress, Protcctioa Purificatioa Recognition. Religious devotioa Revcrstng curscs, Royalty, Runcs/sigils (dk). Secrct dealtngs. Securing Ambition/indcpendencc/flnancial success. Security. Sclf-assurance, Sclflessness, Scnsltivity. ScnlimenL Spiritual destiny, Spintuality, Spiritual power/protection, Strcngth, Sludents. Success, The occult/sacrcd, Tcnsion, Tolerancc, Visiting friends, Wealth. Wisdom, Writing
Higher Powers: Angcls, Calling the Ancient Ones (dark purplc), Contact with the spirit world, Elemental spiriL Divination/prophccy deilres
Time/Seasonal: Beltanc, Samhain, Saturday, Thursday, Wednesday, Yule
Zodiac/Planetary: Astrology, Aquarius, Capricorn, Gcmini. Jupiter, Mcrcury, Neptune, Pisccs, Sagittarius, Saturn. Virgo
Chakra/Body: Bones, Crown ckakra, Ears. Eycs, Face, Mcntal hcaling, Ncrvous system, Pituilary gland.
Treatmcnt of allcrgics/slccp disordcrs/strcss-rclatcd disorders, Uppcr respiratory system Magicka! Abilities: Astra) projcction. Clairvoyance, Divination. Ilighcr psychic ability/talents, Psychlc hcaling/protcction/powcr/revelation, the Third Eyc
Eastern: PrivUege, Sorrow/comforting (India), Wealth, Wtdows/Saturday (Thailand)
Brazil: Oeath, Mouming Catholicism: Cruciftxion, mourning
The strongesl spiritual color.
Long exposurc to this color can, in somc peoplc, causc depression.
Use with whitc candle to neutralizc cffccls of karma and ego.