Aids concentration, Authority, Clarifies thoughts, Confidence, Conservative, Credibility, Distance, lntrospective, Loyalty, Melancholy, Professional, Service. Strength
Ambition, Balancc Out Karma, Bards, Ceremonia! magick, Changeability, Clcanse thc spirit, Concentration, Countcract negative encrgy, Deep meditation, Defcnses, Devotion, Dignity, Harmony in thc home, Healing, Heal wounded pride, Idealism, lmpulsiveness, Inertia, Insplration, Intuition, Justice, Logic, Love. Meditation. Musie, Neutralize another's magie, Night, Passion, Patience, Peace, Religion, Remove fear, Reveal deep secrets past/present/future, Spirituality, Stop Gossip/lies/undesirable competition, Stops situations/people, Tranąuility, Truth/light, Understanding, Wisdom, Wounded pride
Higher Powers: Summon angclic protcction Time/Seasonal: Mabon, Samhain, Wednesday, Yule Zodiac/Planetary: Capricom, Saturn energy, Venus, Virgo Chakra/Body: Broken bones, Brow (pineal/third eye) chakra, Deafness, Healing dcmcntia/dcpression/mcntal disorders, Rcducing phobias/stress Magickal Abilities: Astral protection/defense, Psychic powers
Use to create confusion, but always pair with white to prevcnt spcll from backfiring.
I Sources:
tejt/ZwiwajaMKoa/utKlc/yisia 101 faf i:.-npCc spelli
hny. //jnpsawkctutttucen,' ilhzl rr.9rl V»-j«;płAu-xlarK»JPK
fenp://wv«wihnatuapaK>.-. cotr./color ■ ejgx.htn-.l
fczt? .Vv*wwwiccjntofeir<r.cotr/pr<<i!t; / :vct3/ca.*.dlt-<c»<jr» and ihzir
ledori lohar.n. 2013. tndwai wordpreM.corr.
Ilcadcrlont. Au!dMagxfc | Bidtgfousduna5cc»urtMy*'3y!.'c«t«unfŁ(Oca(mod!tittlbymcf)
CaiaCc zzjfic mureny o 1r«jii ^du/cUpa-i (.-nodi&cd 9jr uatr) Ci z&a fcorćrc courtnjro! trurprmorK