Candle silver, light gray
Gartble & Cotor gjlagic^
Color: Silwiił Ligot Omy
| Psychologicał meanings:
Outiful, Efficient, Logical, Methodical, Modest, Neutral, Practical, Quiet, Sober
| Esoteric Meanings:
Balance, Cancellation, Change, Clear thought, Communication, Confidence, Cydes. Dreams, Emotional stability, Femalc cncrgy/powcr, Gambling, Harmony, Hiddcn desires, Introspcction, intuition, Lcaming, Logic, Meditation, Money drawing spells, Neutrality, Passion, Pricstcsses, Prospcrity/abundancc, Protcction, Quick money, Rebirth, Rcincamation, Remove/neutralize negative powers, Repelling desiruction, Sccrets, "Space" magick, Stability, Stalemate, Victory, Wealth
Higher Powers: Air elemental. Female energy/deities, the Goddess, Lunar deities Time/Seasonal: Imbolc, Monday,Thursday, Wcdncsday, Yule Zodiac/Planetary: Cancer, the Moon Chakra/Body: Healing hormonal imbalances
Magickal Abilities: Astral cnergy/travel, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance. Dcvcloping psychic abilities/intuition, Divination, Increasing psychic powcr/intultion, Psychic workings, Psychometr)', Telepathy
1 Alternatiye Cultural Meanings:
j Additional Notes:
Can be replaced by wbite or gray, depending on magickal goal.
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