Candle white

Candle white

f Gartble & Color TOigictj


} Psychological meanings:

Airy, Bridal, Clear, Gean, Efficicnt, Ethcreal, Innocent, Pure, Sileni, Simplc, Stcrlle, Virginal

j Esoteric Meanings:

Acccplancc, Air. Aura-hcaling, Breakingcurses, Clarity, Cleansing, Consecratlon, Cyde of life, Dawn, Dcvotional maciek, Elimmatc negatwe energy, Enhghtcnment, Exorcism, Forgiveness, Frcedom, General work, Grcater attuinments in life. Hcalmg/health. Hlghcr power. Higher self, Initlation, Inncr peacc, Innocence, Inspiration, Integrtty, Mcditation, Opporlunily.Outgoing naturę, Peace, Pcrfcctlon, Posłtive workings, Prophecy, Protection, Pure spirtt, Purily/puriftcatton. Raising vibralions, Relicving shyness, Safcty, Ssmplc power, Sinccrity, Spiritual cnlighlenmcnt. Spirltuahty, Spiritual slrcngth, Tranqullity, Transformatton. Truth/truth-sccking, Unity, Virginily (woman's mind owned by no man), Wholcncss

Higher Powers: Angcls, Contacting spiritual helpers/guides, Elcmcnlal spirit/aether, the Goddess, the Moon/Lunar energy, Maidcn form of the Triplc Goddess, Wisdom/divination/prophecy dcities Time/Seasonal: Frtday, Imbolc, Monday,Thursday,Saturday,Yulc Zodiac/Planetary: Arles, Canccr, Libra, Pisces

Chakra/Body: Bram. Broken bones, Crown chakra. Dcntal pain, Increasing nulk production m nursing mothers, Pineal gland. Semen

Magickal Abilities: Astra) travcl, Clairvoyance, DivinaUon, Enhancc psychic abililies

| Altematiyc Cułtural Meanings:

Eastcm: Death, Funerals. Innocence, Mortality, Mourning, Purity, Sadncss

j Additional Notes:

May be subslitutcd for any color candlc.

Carries the powers of all other colors, cnhances the powers of all other colors Always bum at least one whitc candlc to symbolizc and rcinforcc the contact with pure spiriL

Lily White is also known as the "molhcr candlc" and can be burnt for 30 minutes at each moon phase.

1 Sourccs:

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