Appetizing, Durable, Grounded, Natural, Outdoors, Richness, Robustness, Rooted, Rugged, Secure. Sheltering, Solidity, Steady, Supportive, Traditional, Warm, Wholesome, Woods
Anima! healing, Anima! magie, Artisans, Attract Money/financial Success, Balance, Banishing sorrow, Buildings, Business success, Conccntration/studying, Conservation, Craftsmanship, Dccision making/decisiveness, Dispel sorrow. Druid magick, Earth-related workings, Elimlnatcs lndedsiveness, Emotional stability/control, Empathy, Endurance, Expands financial success, Family, Financial help in crisis, Finding lostobjects, Focus, Friendship, Fruitfulness, Generosity, Good Health, Grounding, Hard work, Harvest, Health of pets/livestock, Home/hearth, Increase decisiveness, Intuition, Leaming, Materiał benefits in the home, Materia! increase. Materiał prosperity. Naturę magie, Newbeginnings, Peace in the home, Pets, Plants/gardens, Powers of concentration. Prosperity, Protection of familiars/pets/household, Reward from effort, Security, Solidifying. Solid relationships, Special favors, Stability, Strengthening, Study. Success,
Higher Powers: Earth clcmcntals, Invoke Earth
Time/Seasonal: Autumn, Friday, Harvest, Imbolc, Lammas (tan), Mabon, Monday, Samhain, Saturday
Zodiac/Planetary: Capricom, Earth. Moon (tan), Sagittarius (tan), Satum (dark brown), Scorpio, Taurus, Vcnus, Virgo Chakra/Body:
| Additional Notes:
Likc white, it has the power to enhancc other colors in color magie.
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