basic english

basic english



a boy—• he


aę.rt— ► she

2 dog


a car—• it


aman.awomwt kU&r-.?


book giil


men. womjei


^ a book. a girl

a to*, a walch    boxes walches    3 *ccł-3 *QWl'    jy-, (aCą    *"*•t-^0'

/ ^    a polało, a tomalo &«    poiatocs, toiriaioes    a kn Ir. a SMł    Aitź, shttos

a boy. a toy Ma. boys. toys    U a ch.'d. a mcuse    chikd •'

a baby. a Ud,    babiy-. ladies    afi$ł,'ashwP    flłhi sh<eP

Indeflnlte Artlcle - on

ratbil / Wg rabb i

«r {j&u '

car/- * ng tv • elepha ' bigeteotiant    nincle/ olduncle

ADJECTIVES eomparatiw and supcrlalive

bl°    t^D1'    'imbiggi-M

• long    Icnfl.r tholongesl

łasi fas:

:ne tastest


łj_' Interestlng eipensive

tfjuiiiui u-ę most beautiful the most litferesllng expensive me most excens ve


tm. •

dirly Ci:    *ii! flirt

■    happy happ the happicst

hoairy heav 11 the heavtesl

shorl storl ' triu shortost gcod large larg trio largesl clean clean UiectenfiM »rw £«r.*oto*v. p*v.r %■-**.

tho bosi Pnctitr. ,.ruV ner. Cr.i' Uryout.

1I>; woisl

Prutor ii OSiS „    fWkrSUA-,

r* tor ci

- ttłv*f Mn _    *-:<« .rur

Comparlson as ... as, not as ... as ... than

Is the rod houss as big as ;he brawa bouse?

The red nouse t$ no: as big as the tiown bouse.

The red liousfl is bigger tło brom heuso 4ndjm3ller thebloehouse.

The brown house cs The ofdest cf ai The bluo bouse is Ihe most modem.


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