ims already started to happen or (ii) because of what we know of the circumstances. In the second use (ii), but not in the first, going to can altcrnate with the futurę simple tense: i Shc's going to (not will) have a baby.
ii She's going to find/will find it difficult to carry on working.
To express the futurę in the past, going to may be used with was/were:
He was going to take a few days off; I hope he managed it.
ej FUTUR!* perfeci progressive is similar in principle to j and k above, but with refcrence to what will have been in progress until 'then' [when I get back) in the futurę (16).
r Will against skali in futurę tenses: The generał rule that either will or skali (7,8) may be used with first persons (/, we) but that only will (14) is used with the other persons (he, she, it, you, they) means that there is little difliculty in deciding which to use. Apart from the fact that they are oftcn contracted and therefore indistinguishable (16), it is seldom incorrect to use will with all persons. The important exception occurs with questions (usually in the first persons) asking for instructions or advice and not just for information. Then skali, not will, is used: 'Shall I tell her?' Compare: 'Will/Shall I be able to have a word with her?' The answer may be 'Yes/No' to both cjuestions, but the answer to the first instructs or advises, the answer to the second informs. (See 12Bb.)
s NON-usii of progrEssive forms: When there is nothing in progress or h.ippening, such as when we think ( believe)or have (= possess) somelhing, progressive formsare not used: i I think Ken has two cars. Am I right?
ii I'mhaving( taking) a holiday next month. Tm thinking of ( = contemplating) going hang-gliding. Am I being rash?
In generał, verbs such as thinkjbelieve or havejpossess which describe States of mind, ownership etc. (how things are) do not have progressive forms (i), while verbs (the majority) such as havejtake or thinkjcontemplate which describe some sort of activity or process do have them (ii). The verb be commonly refers to States like that of belief and so is most often used in a simple form (i), but it may occur in the progressive to relate to something in progress like contemplating (ii). Verbs of perception like see and hear generally have no progressive forms either, but they too may have other meanings:
Sheila's seeing ( = consulting) a doctor about her cough.
I've been hearing a lot (= getting a lot of news) about her lately.
For each verb in brackets, choose one of the following tenses: the present, PRESENT PERFECT, PAST Or PAST PERFECT, in either the SIMPLE or PROGRESSIVE
Imi ni II, .is well as the vcrb, there is another word (an adverh) insidc ilu*
Ih u kris, iis posilion in relation to the correct tense is shown either m ilu* l ..unplcs or in the Explanation.
Mi . nd.i 1 Yai I (1 join) our firm ten years ago. She (2 work) for the piwiotis IIv« yeai s willi an advcrtising company and (3 acquire) much useful
• |m i i4 tu c*. hor the first eight years with us she (4 work) in the Sales
I h pal liiicnt, and (5 work) there when I (6 become) Managing Director. Since ilu u she (7 work) as my personal assistant, and (8 prove) herself to be
• mii .l iiidlngly capable on many occasions. She (9 work) on the top floor, in an
• -II li i nexl lo minę, but at the moment (10 work) in London on a special iMlgnmcnt.
W in u Ilu* North and South finally (11 lay) down their arms in 1865 at the end i i the American Civil War they (12 fight) for over four years and the South, Whi<h(ll win) several battles but (14 lose) the war, (15 be) economically . • li.m aed 11(16 be) a tragedy that Abraham Lincoln, who (17 lead) the Nm Ih to victory and (18 be) now ready to be generous to the South,
11'» not |survive) to make the peace. Five days after General Lee (20 surrender) ul \ppomallox, Lincoln (21 be) assassinated.
IIcnllt (22 always|ring) me up when I am in the shower or washing my hair. i In l.r.i hme the phone (23 ring) with me in the shower I (24 not|answer) n 1(2 1 le n n) later that someone (26 ring) me up to offer me a job which tliey (27 thcn|offer) to someone else. I (28 just|tell) Denis that he (29 be) to I lamę lot the fact that I (30 miss) a golden opportunity.
W lut ( \ I do|you) with yourself lately? I (32 not|see) you for over a month/ l(il he) in Stockholm sińce I last (34 see) you/
Mertlly ? I Iow long (35 be|you) there and what (36 do|you)?' i M .ii ly i Ince weeks. I (37 do) some research at the Royal Library. I think I | ui iiie.uly|iell) you that I (39 work) on a book about Scandinavia/
\. I Iow (40 go|it)?'
i 6 il no kul I (41 hope) to have it in the hands of the publisher by the end of lin yi\ir/ i - 6 i (12 livc) in Nodnol, the Capital of Mercia. At least, that's where he |li llve) when he last (44 write). In his letter he (45 invite) me to visit him, l "i ,i 1(46 have) no answer to my last two letters I (47 wonder) whether I < imuld go or not. I (48 also|have) no reply from the consulate about the m< i i i.m visa I (49 apply) for two weeks ago. Although I (50 be) born in Mfi Ckh I no longer (51 have) a Mercian passport.
p ni ihc lelephone): Yes, I'm at Georgina's house this evening. What (52 do|I)
• ni* M(51 babysit). She and her husband (54 go) to a party. Four - four
• Midi en They (55 be) usually rather wild. I (56 babysit) here once w ii*- dl (57 start) screaming. But they (58 be) very good at the mon liifMlie youngest now in the room next door: she (59 eat) a huge
a m.