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Factors affecting drying shrinkage and creep

•    Concrete strength:

Other things being equal, creep is iarger for low-strength than for high-strength concretes

   Level of sustained stress:

There is a direct proportionaiity between the magnitude of sustained stress and the creep of concrete. The higher sustained stress, the creep higher.

   Age of loading:

Because of the effect of strength on creep, at a given stress levei, lower creep values were obtained for the ionger period of curing before the application of the ioad. Shrinkage is not affected by this factor.


Pełzanie betonu

Factors affecting creep

Fig. 5.7. ££&* ct    ot ktsóim m JsagoSadte of £t*ep>

fer foscaS nomłaMweśahs easKrsśo


Pełzanie betonu

Factors affecting creep

Fig. 5.5. Rfelationship between time-dependent deformation of creep of concrete (e) and stresses (o)

Pełzanie betonu. Modele Teologiczne

Materiał Itnkmo-spiężysty (ciało Hooke’a)

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b. .    60


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