

1A and 1B

b) Answer the ąuestions in 4a).

1    ^hs.j^S!Ut.y^b.fjcisudsMJs^Jixs^fX!s&i.

2    ...........................................................................................

3    ...........................................................................................

4    ...........................................................................................

5    ..........................................................................................

6    ...........................................................................................

7    ...........................................................................................

8    ...........................................................................................

O a) Complete the ąuestions with an auxiliary if necessary.

1    How many times ,...<M... Megan eat out last month?

2    Who...............cooks when Karen and Andy have friends

round for dinner?

3    When...............Megan last have a quiet night in?

4    How often...............Karen and Andy have ąuiet nights in?

5 Why...............Karen and Andy never have lie-ins?

6 Why...............Megan going dubbing next week?

7    How many clubs...............Andy been to in the last year?

8    Who...............chatted to people online at the weekend?


Love it or hate it

Positive and negative verb forms, words and phrases

Read Martin’s opinion of computers and fili in the gaps. Choose a), b) or c).

Likes and dislikes

o a) Match beginnings of

sentences 1-8 to endings a)-h).

1    l’m very interested ....ej.....

2    I’m ąuite...............

3    1 don’t...............

4    1 don’t like going...............

5    Tidying up my house...............

6    I think lie-ins...............

7    Fm not very keen...............

8    I can’t stand...............

9    I enjoy having...............

a)    keen on joining my local gym.

b)    mind going food shopping.

c)    working at weekends.

d)    a ąuiet night in.

e)    in working abroad.

f)    to the dentisl at all.

g)    drives me crazy.

h)    on takeaway food.

i)    at the weekends are wonderful.

b) Match the sentences in 1 a) to A-C.

A phrases to say you like something:

...7.. ,........,........,........

B phrases to say something is OK:

C phrases to say you don’t like something:

There aren’1 many things 1    in life, bul computers drive me

crazy. Of course, everyone 2.......................... they are a wonderful inveniion

and we’ve got one at home for the children. Both of them 1 a Computer sińce they 4..........................young and they liardly evcr

5..........................any problems. But when send an email

or use the Internet, it never works properly. I 7..........................excuses -

1 know it’s my problem rather than the computer’s. Nonę of my friends

like computers so maybe it 8..........................something to do with our age.

I don’t think we’ll ever understand them.



’m not liking

@ don’t like


didn’t like




b) said


is saying



are using

b) use


have used



have been

b) are






b) had


are having




b) ’m trying





haven’t madę

b) didn’t make


’m not making



has been

b) was




5    There aren’t many computers at my school.

6    loe’s repaired my laptop.

7    Nonę of my colleagues can type ąuickly.

8    Neither of our parents can use computers.

9    He works with computers all day so he doesn’t need one at home.

Now read Diane’s opinion of computers and fili in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple.

1    think computers are amazing. We 1 !vęhad.. (have) one in our family for almost 20 years - sińce 1

2 ...........................................(be) about 12. At that time

we 3.........................................(not use) it for anything

serious - no one did. My sister and I usually played games on it. Then at university I always

4...........................................(write) my essays on it and I

soon realised there are lots of things a Computer

can help with. Since then I 5...........................................

(not be able to) leave it alone! Ali of my friends

6........................................... (cali) me with their Computer

problems. 1 7........................................... (not get)

paid or anything - 1 just do it as a favour. 1

........................................... (help) two of my friends with

their computers at the moment - they’re broken. Neithcr of them know anything about computers, but they know how to take me out for a meal!

Match these phrases in bold in 2 with their opposites in bold in 3.

1    There aren’t many .therę.arę..l.otsof_

2    everyone

3    Both of them

4    hardly ever

5    never

6    Nonę of

7    1 don’t think

3 Make these sentences positive or negative by changing the underlined words.

1    1 hardly ever send emails from home.

2    He thinks the computer’s got a virus.

3    1 understood ęyerything he said.

4    We never used our Computer to do serious things.

10 We arertt using the latest software.

Review: verb forms

Correct the mistake in each sentence. drive

1    My parents drwes me crazy at times.

2    Iłm going swimming about three times a week.

3    Who does works with you?

4    How many countries have you gone to?

5    In the past 1 walk to school.

6    1 am think you are correct.

7    Pm playing a lot of tennis in my free time.

8    1 live in London for three years and 1 love it.

9    I’ve been to Brazil last year.

10    Who does they work with?



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