

Read tlie passage in Task 6 and tlieu answer the queslions.

1.    Wliat is the liaematocrit?

2.    What is a haematocrit value?

3.    Why are haematocrit values obtained?

4.    What may tlie laboratory results indicate if they consistently deviate from the haematocrit and haemoglobin relationship?

5.    Wliat may be the reasons for increased haematocrit levels?

6.    What may be the causes of Iow haematocrit values?

Task 8

Read the following passage.

A.    Give a title to the text and compare it with your partner’s one. Agree on the same title.

Haematocrit determinations can be performed on: (1) capillaiy blood collected from a finger stick (or heel stick from infants); (2) venous blood collected with EDTA anticoagulant (lavender-stoppered tubę). The tubę should be filled com-pletely so that tlie proper proportion of blood to coagulant is obtained to preserve cellular morphology. Capillary values may be 5-10% liigher tlian values by ve-nipuncture.

B.    Make ąueslions to the text and compare them with your partner’s ones. .Agree on questions to ask the rest of the class.

C.    Elicit the answers to the questions from other classmates. Together agree on the correct answers.

4.3.1. Haematocrit measurement

As a back-up procedurę to the newer automated haematology analysers, the haematocrit can be determined through a microcentrifugation procedurę. This involves collecting the patient’s blood in a microhaematocrit (capillary) tubę either from a skin puncture or from a we!l-mixed EDTA collected venous blood specimen. Tlie capillary tubę must be at least half filled for accurate results. Tlie empty end is plugged with modelling clay. 'flie filled tubę is placed in tlie



pci cenliiiu^    lUiu u mnu ...... „w^ —

for tlie centrifugation of tlie specinien. Tlie manufacturer’s inslructions niust be followed for correct results to be obtained.

Task 9

Read the text and decide which sentences are true (T) and which are false (F). To prove your decision, underline the bit in the text that relates to the statement. The first one has been done for you.

1.    A microcentrifugation procedurę is a back-up procedurę to the automated

haematology analysers.    T

2.    The patienfs blood is collected in a microhaematocrit tubę.

3.    Tlie patient’s blood can only be collected from a skin puncture.

4.    Tlie capillary tubę niust be only half filled for accurate results.

5.    Pług tlie empty end with modelling clay.

6.    Place tlie empty tubę in tlie centrifuge.

7.    There is tlie recommended time and speed for tlie centrifugation of tlie speci-men.

8.    lt is not common for microhaematocrit ccntrifuges to be set at the proper speed and have a timer.

9.    The manufacturer’s instructions have to be followed for correct results to be obtained.

Task 10

Unscrainble the words taken from the above text. The first one has been done for you.

1. tocromaritliaemic    —*    microhaematocrit

2.    cetrtionroifugamic

3.    mccinspe

4.    llapiryca

5.    ingdellmo

6.    mmecondedre

1 g indicatcs centrifuge speed



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