The old witch locked Han&el in a cage and setGretei toctean the house. She pianneć tc ca: them both. Each night Ihechiidren crled and begged che witch to let l.herngo. Męariwhllę, et home, the-r stepmother was beglnning to włsh she had newir.trited to get lid of the ehitdren/1 must finc them," -she sald and set off irito the forest.
Many hours łater, 'when hcr fcet svere bred from walking ara her :lps we-e dry from thlrst, she came to thecpttagc belonging to the witch. Itw stepmother peeped through “he v/indow. Her heart cricd out when she saw the twa children.
Shc plcked up the broom icanlng aganst tne dócf and crept irside. The wiech was puttlng some stew in the oven when the steprrw.her gave her an alrmghry pusn. The witch fełi ince the ovcn and the stepmothcr shut the door.
"Chlldren, I hawoome to saveycu,'vshcsaid, hugging themdghby. f have done a dreadful diing. 1 hope In ti/ne you wil? focgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to thelr home and the stepmothe- became the test mother anyone couśd wish to have, and of course they lived happily ever after,
11. The story ts about ^ stepmother who ....
a. cred every night
b. pianned to eat ber children
c. begged a witch for rconey
d. tried to run away from a witch e Sayed her children from a witch
12. Which statement Is TRUE about the stepmother ?.
a. She was the witcb's frfend.
b. She loved hersteachlldren.
c. Shc hit the witch wlth a brcom.
d. She locked hcr children in a cage
a. She vi$itgd the witch to see ner chlldren.
> Atways tafce off your jewehery before dolng housework. Detergents and deaning powder can make Itdull
> Put jewdlery an iastwhen dressing, perfumes and haiisprays can tarnik it
> Dont swim when wearing anygold- you mlght Icse it. Ateor chlorine and S3ltwater can have a bad effect
> Clean it regulariy. Soak in warm soapy water and genBy brosh with toothbrush. In cican water anddry w1th a soft, dean cfotfi.
> To prsvent scratchlng, keep goid separately In a ;ssvel box
15. What is Lhetopłcofthe text? 16. Which of the fólowing can make your
l ca"at guide jewełlcty tarnlsh?
b. Buyers Guide g, hairsp^ys andchlorlne
c. gomgtorgold fc, haltsprays and perfun>ss
jar|n5 tor g°ld c. deaning pewdersand perfumes
e. \ fhat to ook tor d. detergents and cleanlng v«ter
e. salt water and svarm soapy water
13. "Tne witch feil into the oven and the stepm-otf-er shut the door.... * (p.4)
The tnderiined werd can be replaced by the werd
a. closed d. marked
b. opened e, poilshed
c. painted
M. How did the witch dle 7 a. She was burnt in the oven b She was trapped n a cage
c. She was hit wlth a broom
d. Sne was locked In hler heuse
c. Sie was.pushed against tne wa’l
__•_^____BAHASAINOGRŁS lir,tuk SMĄ.'MĄ Kalas Xł/Sasal/A-07l |