1. Can you describe some characteristic^s, which give the BBC its special position in Britain?
2. What is the difference between BBC and ITV?
3. What programmes are verv popular in Cireat Britain?
4. When was the BBC World Service set up?
5. Which channels don t have advertising?
1. Television is the most popular ... in Great Britain.
2. In London there are . . . channels.
3. People have to pay ....
4. BBC is famous for its ...
5. Commercial television gets its money from ....
6. ITV started in . . .
7. Weekend afternoons are devoted to ...
1. BBC is a commercial television.
2. Ali TV channels have advertising.
3. Channel IV is famous for its objectivity.
4. Independent Television News is owned by a private company.
5. TV stations show different programmes for children.
6. English people are not fond of soap operas.
7. Most people in Britain receive satellite.