EXERCISE A. Answer the folio wing ąuestions.

1.    What are the functions ofthe digestive system?

2.    What are the main parts of the digestive system?

3.    What does the mouth contain?

4.    What is the mouth bounded by?

5.    What lies at the sides of the pharynx?

6.    Where is the stornach situated?

7.    What does the stornach wali secrete?

8.    What are the main segments of the smali intestine?

9.    What terminates the digestive tubę?

EXERCISE B. Look atthe following diagram and complete the sentences below.

Common bile duet

Fig. 10. The stornach.

1.    The cardia is the....................opening of the stornach, (distal, proximal)

2.    The spleen lies....................to the stornach, (lateral, medial)

3.    The liver is situated...................to the stornach, (superior, inferior)

4.    The stornach is situated...................to the diaphragm. (superior, inferior)

5.    The pylorus is the....................opening of the stornach, (distal, proximal)

6.    The duodenum is the....................portion of the smali intestine. (distal, proximal)


Mrs. Jones:

C. Study the following dialogue.

Good mommg, doctor. It’s Mrs. Jones speaking. Tm terribly worried about my husband. He feels very sick. He has an acute stomachache, nausea and he can’t sleep.

Doctor: Mrs. Jones: Doctor: Mrs. Jones: Doctor: Mrs. Jones:

Doctor: Mrs. Jones:


How long has he been feeling like this?

Since last Monday.

What’s his appetite like?

He has lost his appetite, he’s been off food for the last three days.

Has he been vomiting?

Yes, he has. He has vomited twice today. He is very weak and sweating terribly all the time.

Are his bowel movements all right?

They were, until Monday. Then he got diarrhoea. Can you come, doctor, and see my husband as soon as possible. He’s soTfad that I can’t take him to your surgery..._

Don’t worry. Fil be at your place in half an hour and have a good look at your husband. Fil also prcscrible some drugs to relieve the symptoms.

EXERCISE D. (1) Study the word roots related to the digestive system.

Word root

Refcrs to


stoma(to)-, oro-



English for Mcdica! Students and Doctors- 1 - E. Doncsch-.Teżo


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