EXERCISE A. Answer the following questions:

1.    What are the main parts of the human body?

2.    What are the parts of the face?

3.    What are the names of the segments of upper and lower limbs?

EXERCISE B. Complete the following sentences:

1.    The cells of the body combine to form:

a)    ................................................................

b)    ................................................................

c)    ...................................•..........................

2.    The human body consists of the following parts:

a)    ................................................................

b)    ................................................................

c)    ................................................................

d)    ................................................................

3.    The trunk contains two main cavities:

a)    ................................................................

b)    ................................................................

4.    The upper limb consists of three segments:

a)    .....................................................................

b)    .....................................................................

c)    .....................................................................

5.    The lower limb is composed of:

a)    .....................................................................

b)    .....................................................................

c)    ................................................. ..................

6.    The upper limb contains three joints:

a)    .........................................................

b)    .........................................................

c)    ...........................................................................

7.    The lower limb includes the following joints:

a)    ........................................................................

b)    ........................................................................

c)    ...........................................................................

EXERCISE C. Practise this dialogue.

Doctor:    Good moming, Mrs. Roberts. What seems to be the problem?

Patient:    I feel a terrible pain in my back, it’s my spine, 1 suppose.

I can’t bend down, T can’t pick anything up and I even can’t tie my shoe laces. Doctor:    Which part of your back is affected?

Patient:    The smali of my back, the loin.

Doctor :    What kind of pain is it?

Patient:    It’s a very sharp, stabbing pain.

Doctor:    Does it radiate anywhere?

Patient:    Yes, it does. It runs towards the left leg and then along the thigh,

down to the calf, foot and toes.

Doctor:    How long have you had this pain?

Patient:    For three days. It started when my husband and I were moving the ftirniture. You see,

we’ve just moved to a new house. I think, I might have overdone things a little. Doctor:    Does anything make it better?

Patient:    If I lie down, the pain goes away, but when 1 stand up, it immediately comes back.

Doctor; Have you noticed tingling sensation in your hands or feet?

Patient:    No, I haven’t.

EXERCISE D. Translate into English.

1.    Tułów zawiera dwie j amy oddzielone przeponą: j amę klatki piersi owej i j amę brzuszną.

2.    Staw barkowy łączy ramię z barkiem.

3.    Kiedy grałem w tenisa zwichnąłem nogę w kostce i skaleczyłem się w kolano.

4.    Kiedy podnoszę prawą rękę czuję ostry ból w barku i nie mogę wyprostować łokcia.

5.    Połóż ręce na biodrach, spróbuj zgiąć kolana; trzymaj plecy prosto.

6.    Kiedy biegnę szybko czuję kłujący ból w klatce piersiowej.

7.    Proszę położyć się na brzuchu i wyprostować nogi.

English for Medical Student* and Doctors - 1 - E. Donesch-Jeżo


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