The Monarch and the Prime Minister in Great Britain
•> The monarchy is hereditary, and the title to the throne passes to the małe linę of the family in order of descent and, if there are no sons, to the daughters in order of seniority,
❖ The Civil List - a list of individuals to whom money is paid by tlie govemmenl The expenditnre of the Queen related to her public duties is financed from the Gvil List. Other members of the royal family also receive parliamentary annual allowances to carry out their public duties. Following concem over expense, the Civil List has now
been reduced to a few members of the immediate royal family,
❖ The Prime Minister - the leader of the party which obtains a majority of seats in a
generał election. He is formally asked by the Sovereign to recommend a group of ministers to form a government. The position of the Prime Minister is based on coiwention, not statuę. The Prime Minister is the leader of the House of Commons, First Lord of the Treasury and the co-ordinator of policy and administration. He or she forms the govemment, dismisses and appoints new ministers. True power lies in the
hands of tlie Prime Minister and his or her Cabinet,
❖ The Gabinet - is formed by the ministers. It is a smali committee which usually meets
weekly and makes important decisions about govemment policy włiich often then
liave to be debated or approved by the Parliament,
❖ The Royal Prerogative - an important power of the Queen to choose the Prime
❖ The Royal Assent - the royal signature needed for bill to become law,
❖ In Great Britain the Monarch is above the law and can do nothing tliat is legally