■ Rtmae the following senlcna:; ■ u make lliem eoiieisc.
t!XAMI’l I
Alison spoke in a h.rceltil manner.
!. It was William Hurwy who firsl wrote about the circulation of the bloocł.
2. In tcrms of Ilu' si/.e of its land, Canada is the second largest country in tlu: worki
3. To be suro, Benjamin Franklin was not, as it were, a grc.it writer, but he was, to all intenis and purposes, a great man, morę or less.
4. Americans have always applauded the tenacious underdog who is down l iii who trio; to reeover and help himself.
C’oj>yiij;hł ■'<> llJ8‘* t-y Hot -hlon r.lillhu l .ompany
Simon Bolivar is considered by many peopie to b'1 a boro because of his work in hol ping defeat, łbrough armed coniiict, Ihe Spanish armies in South America.
6. As anybody can see, most Americans have been affected by tele-vision in soch a way that their appreciation of Jivc Iheater Iws obviously become less and less.
7. It has been shown that the length of the common cold can be reduced by giving the person with the cold doses of zinc glutonate in the form of lozenges.
8. In the tirnes in which we livc, peopie just can hardly be independent any longcr. Look what is happening to them in the field of educa-tion. They cannot think for themselves. This is also true in other nreas of life.
9. Ldoking out the window ot our car, we saw the lit tle, tiny cafe you had told us about in the letter you sent us. 1