3. Make nouns froin the following verbs:











4. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions:

1)    These conservation laws have been enormously useful ..........providing the essential

clues ..........solving many fundamental problems..........physics.

2)    One ..........the successes .......... the conservation principles .......... recent years was

the discovery .......... an elusive elementary particie, called the neutrino.

3)    There seemed to be no acceptable escape .......... the dilemma.

4)    The neutrino had to be endowed .......... unlikely properties.

5. Fili in the correct word from the list below:

clues, decay, elusive, endow, magnitude, property, thus

1)    He didn’t realize the .................... of the problem.

2)    Police have still found no .................... as to the whereabouts of the missing woman.

3)    The new machinę will work twice as fast, ................... greatly reducing costs.

4)    I’ve been trying to get her on the phone, but she seems to be rather .....................

5)    She is ..................... with both beauty and brains.

6)    Oil has the ....................... of floating on water.

7)    The wood has been specially treated to be resistant to ......................

6. Find in the text the English equivalents for the expressions:

1)    poruszający się z prędkością światła

2)    przeprowadzić serię doświadczeń

3)    powstał dodatkowy problem

4)    zrezygnować z tych ogromnie użytecznych praw

5)    w celu rozwiązania tego problemu

6)    Pauli założył istnienie nowej cząstki elementarnej

7)    aby wytłumaczyć fakt



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