Connections I Sprawziany i Opowiedzi26

Connections I Sprawziany i Opowiedzi26

Progress Test 3A

DO Connectlons 1 TE37S 2P.gxd 5/10/07    10:39 Pago 26


A I sluded Htskuy at unhreraity and men I go! a job as a History teacfter In a secordary schaol. i Iked the pb but I ocnr Ike getiryg there e<«ry day - the schód was a king way (rom my hcme and (tcoć an hcor and a haf to get there. Last year I mcr.ed to a Ocal schód and I Ike it very much. The students work vety bard. They do well In Ttetr exairs and 1And tfts sery rewardlng. I m not going to move to anotner schooi - I m happy now.

8 Atter i tett schooi I went to work at my fathers shop. Hes pot a shop mat sels spoits eqopment. At Arst. I searred ali about the thmgs we sell -1 dldnt *rtow anythng anout that when I started My falher does his pb sery wet! and we ha.e a kit ot custcmers. I m gomg vo be toe marker coe day, but at the moment l'm teamrtg the business.

C I wcrt.ed m a restaurant tor two years. I Iked the work but I didn t ike the restaurant manager We were all scared c/ him because be was rombie to people al the tme. The strange thlng 6, he was realiy nte when he waśni at werk. Because ot hlm l tett and now I werk In anodner restauant. where everwne is nery Inendty.

0 I bad a )ob o a shop tor two months bul I dd it very badty. I was gcod with the customers but l was no gcod with the money and I oSen gave peepte the wreog cbange. The manager was sery kmd to me but it was elear that i couldn l do the pb so I left. Now I m workng bapply part-time n an Office. Im learnlng to use ccmpcters and I m domg wet. tm gorg to work ful-time next month so I can eam mere mcoey.

E When i tett unhersity. I worked tor an orgari2auon Ihal heps people m pocr countrtes. I ddnT eam a lot ot money bul the work was very rewarding. Atter two years. I became a manager at the organizaton and my jct* was very offerent. I did lots ot werk co the Computer and other tnlngs i dldn t eryoy, arO the work was very stresstol. So I left ard went to work tor arorner crganlzaton. I earrod less tnan betore but I enjoyed the work


. sleep.

. to soine musie?

1 Five people (A-E) are talking aboui their jobs. Read the texis ihen match the statemems with the people.

► I work for a member of my family.

1    I wotked for someone who wasn't very nice.

2    ! lefi a job because I couldntdo ic well.

3    I'm gomg to siay In the job I have now.

•1 I'm enjoyłng using a Computer.

5    I wam to stay at the shop.

6    I didn't like being a manager.

7    I left a job because of the traselling.

8    t got morę money but I didn'i enjoy my work. .

9    l'm learning about the business.

10 1 liked someone when we weren't at woik.

2 Write about yourself in the past, present and

futurę. Include:

•    facis about your life in the past, using the past simple

•    facts about your persona lity, using personality adjeeiives

•    facis about how you do things, using adverbs of manner

•    your plans for the futurę, using going lo and yocabulary for jobs

/ to |

3 <$relg>the correct answers.

1 It was a hot night and !_

A couldn'i B couldn't to C didn't could 2 There were_cars in the city cenne.

A a lot B lot of C a lot of

3 Do vou want

A listen B listening C tolisten

4    I_her address correctly.

A didn-t wiote B didn't write C wrote not

5    James started a new job_week.

A on last B the last C last

6    _late for work yesterday?

A Did he arrive B Did he arrives

C Did he arrived

7    My brothet_conte on holiday with us.

A doesn'tgoio B isn’t going to C is going not to

8    _you want some ehocolate?

A Do B Could C Are

9    _a good match yesterday?

A Did it be B Wasit C Was it be

10 He did his homewotk vety__

A bad B badly C baddly

■,mi    ) to i

Ififll /3Ó]


© Oxfbrd University Press


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