Connections I Sprawziany i Opowiedzi32

Connections I Sprawziany i Opowiedzi32


DO Connectlons 1 TE37S 2P.gxd 5/10/07    10:39 Pago 32

Answer key


•1 badminton

5    cricket

6    football

1    ciicket

2    ice hockey

3    swimniing

Do you read a newspaper every day? / No, 1 dont. Does the museum open at nine o'clock? / Yes. it does.

Does she do her homework before supper? / Yes. she does.

Do you help at home every day? / Yes, I do.

4    quartet to twelve

5    flfty

6    twenty nine

6    football team

7    songs

8    sports books

9    (sonie) Spanish 10 folk (musie)

1    volleyball

2    hockey

3    table tennis

4    1 Have you goi any lnterests? / No, I haven't.

2    Have wre got any tomatoes? / Yes. we have.

3    Have you goi an MP3 player? /No. I haven't.

4    Has she goi any broihers and sisters? / Yes, she kas.

5    Has he goi a new giilfrlend? / Yes. he has.

6    Have ihey goi a big house? / No, ihey haven'i.

5    1 How do you spell your name?

2    My brother is ealled David.

3    Can you waii a minutę?

4    l'm sixieen years otd. / I'm sócteen.

5    What’s your address?

6    My phone number's 567 2354.

Test 2B

1    1 We’ve goi a good Computer.

2    He's got a big fam iły.

3    They haven't goi iwo dogs.

4    My car hasn't got a CD player.

5    Your iown's got a cinenra.

6    1 haven'i got a tiekei for the concert.

2    1 1 can play the piano.

2    She can't eonie to school.

3    Can your brother speak English?

4    You can open the window.

5    He can’t see you.

6    Can you ride a motorbike?

4    basketball

5    rugby

6    waterpolo

1    Has she got a boyfriend? / No, she hasnt.

2    Have you goi an orange bag? / No. I haven't.

3    Hav« we got any old books? / Yes, we have.

4    Has your town got an airpori? / Yes, ii has.

5    Have they goi an Italian car? / Yes, ihey have.

6    Have we got any bananas? / No. we haven't.

1    l'm fifieen years old. / t'm fifteen.

2    What s your address?

3    He's goi a sister ealled Natasha.

4    How do you spell your name?

5    She's allergic to toniatoes.

6    That’s a pity.

Test 3 A


1    Do you gei home ftom school at four o'elock? / Yes.

I do.

2    Do ihey live in a big house? / No, they don't.

3    Does she go to school at eighi o'elock? / Yes. she does.

4    Do you have breakfasi in the dining room? / No, we don'i.

5    Does he like football? / Yes, he does.

6    Does he watch TV every evening? / No. he doesnt.

half past eiglu


quarter past ten

quarter to four
















he doesn t go


she doesn'1 know

1 don't play


you don't live

they don't write


we don't buy










Do you like History? / No, we don‘t.

Do the children go to bed early? / Yes, they

5 1 quarter past six

2    thirty-four

3    half past two

Progress Test 1A

i i B

2    No

3    No

4    Yes

5    No

Maiks out of 10 as follows:

•    1 maik fot accurate use of grammar and socabulary for each of the five content points listed (maximum 5)

•    a ntatk out of iwo for correct use of the linking words and. bul and łwcouse (maximum 2)

•    a niark out of three for oserall accuracy of grammar and vocabulatv (mastmum 3)





3 speak

6 start

3 1 C

6 C

2 B

7 C

1 she doesn'1 walk

4 you don’t speak

3 A

8 C

2 1 don t play

5 they don't go

4 A

9 C

3 he doesn't eat

6 we don‘t have

5 A

10 11


© Oxford University Press

1    garage

2    Siudy

3    kitchen

4    bedroom

5    fiat

6    garden


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