JEO Connectlons 1 TE37S 2P.gxd 5/10/07 10:39 Pago 38
Melanie Hi, Dan! IfsMel herc.
Dan Hi. Met Hmr are you?
Melanie rm fine, thanki. Ho* are you?
Dan fm great
Melanie Whatareyoudoing7 Dan fm watching TV
Melanie You'rc watching TV?
Dan Ye* I ar,. Im watching a film. It’iescellent.
Melanie What’s the datę, Dan?
Dan The dale? It's urn. the fourth of July Melanie Ye\ it ii And what time ii it?
Dan Ifi ten past sik
Melanie Verygacd And whaft happening now?
Dan fm watching TV. and youre talt-ng on the phone.
Melanie Ifi my BIKTHDAY party. Dan! Where ate ycu?
Dan Oopi Sorty I can't come.
Melanie Why not? Betauic you'ie watching a fiten?
Dan £i . yes
Melanie Hmphl
Narrator f\ia down :be phone and looks wiy upset Melanie I hate then AU, They aren't my ftiendi Narrator Oad puli tns head rourtd the doot
Dad Melanie
Kielanie Ye\ Dad?
Dad Can you do the washing-up, pleaie?
Melanie The waihingup? Hmph! Weil nobod/i he’e fot my party, 10 OK. yei, I tan do the waihing up. Why NOT?
Narrator Udanie watkiangnty to the doot. Dad opens/t. AU ber friends ate thece
Ali Sutpnse! Happy bitthdayl
Narrator Udanie ioots i-cry mtpt/scd Melanie I don’t believc it' You ARE my ftiendi.
Wife Then my sitter iwitched on the i-ght. It wai .. my huibandl
Yfłty were you a: the window?' I aited.
Huiband Becauie I cculdn't ftnd my keyy Wife heiaid. Iwaiicaredl Huiband Sotry.
1 Will But I doeit want to move! fm NOT going to go with youl
. Bye, Mum!
Kate Are you Corning imide, V/ill? It’i gotng to ram.
Will No.thanks Kate What'iwrong?
Will Mum's got a new job - m Canada! Mum sayi we'te going to move to Montreal.
2 Amelia What1! happening, Kate?
Kate 1'm going to ie,- my old cJothei and CDi on the internet I need mme money. I want to gtve Will a goadOye party. Amelia Cteat idea! lack and I can hefp with the patty.
Kate Thanki. Amelia.
3 Kate l'm gong tobuy landtrchesand ctopi. Andyou're
gong to book a band. Amelia.
Amelia Yei, I am
Kate And Jack'i gong to . make a tale. Are you lute. lack? Can you make cakei?
Jack No. I cant My muoY going to make the cale.
Kate Cood!
4 Ali Surpriiel
Will Wowl . Thanki but... -what ISthii?
Kate It i a goedbye party, fot youl Will A goodbye party? Oh. no ..
Kate Whafswrong?
Will We aterft going to move - my mum nn’t going to tale the job!
Kate fantaitic! Come on - 'et'i enjoy the party!
My namesOllie l'm nineteen yeatiold and l'm from Oiford.
I tan iwim, but I don t iwan vety well. I can play football. I play Yolleybail well. but l can’t play tennii I ipeak Eng: ah well I alio ipeak french. badlyl
My intere«i are read ing, playmg the guitar, and gong out with my ftiendi. I alio uke Minory.
I've got a brothet called Thomas He'i ten yean old. IVe alio got a dog calfed K9.
I enjoy teachmg, and I am friendly and lometimei fm energetic, but not alwayi!
And I think childten are OK Sometimei I lite them, but lometimei I don'tl