A Complelc Ule phrasal verbs with the correct
particie (om, off, etc) or the verb iii the ^ correct tensc.
™ One mark for eacii correct word.
Example: My car broke down on the molorway i yesterday.
I I after my father — we’re botlt
very independent.
2 Would you fili -Jjp_tilis form, płcase?
3 Tlić party was great fun. We (SU A on dancing unlil 4.30 in the ntorniĄ.
4 Tire journalist madę ofl-_the story to
seil morę magazines. '
5 I’ve dccided to —-. up drinking cofFee.
6 As usual half the class turned
latC> lW . ,
7 UeX \ out! There’s a car commg!
8 I was brought doJT mainly by my mum because my dad was away a lot.
9 It took me two weelcs to get_CV_-
tlie flu. i
10 The quiz show contestant_out
time and lost the gamę.
a person who studies plauts and animals
bć)jjaA f
journalist (j^iamowus> allergy genetics surgeon -
> Write the >vord(s) for tlie defmitions.
One mark for each correct word or phrase.
1 tlie first page of a newspaper:
2 a name given to you by friends or family, not your realname: ntdtLwW, ..
3 unpleasant symptoms you can get ffom taking medicine, e.g. nausea:
4 a film or programme which makes you laugh:
5 an adjective desciibing sb wito is funny and
clever with words: w_
the piece of paper the doctor gives you to talce
to the chemist’s:
V/. >
9 a portnblc Computer: ltl^fop 10 an adjcctive meaning li red and frustrata!-.
C____ '
' Cirde the correct *word(s).
One marle for ench correct answer.
1 I didn’t think I’d enjby sltiing but it was
2 At first, the doęinrthouglrt she was renlly iii, At the endffn the encfjte decided she was a
3 I*m afraid he's not in at the monientfaćtufjlp)
He’U be bacie at 3.00.
4 1 love all musie but spccially/ęspecinliyJazŁ.
5 He’s not vcry punctual — hc’s ncver on time/ (m tim^^B
Yocalnilnry O
A Wliich word has a different sounct? One mark for each correct answer.
tjchemis)? i chatsl
virus hypocliondriac psychiatrist <§giaptems, scicntist
physics dizzy lired (healtlY^ addicted --^
B Write the words. (They are all related to medicine.)
One mark for each correct answer.
‘ 1 /‘peijnt/
3 /wo:d7
6 /'bkdprejh/