■ yocąllc
Inftlal schwa may be elided wben foliowej by a continua nt and pmceded by .1 wołd-final consonant e.g. not tlone /nodleun/
gctanothcr /getnruOe/
Finał schwa may be elided wben befow Ifnkfncj /-and a wohl-Inltlal vowel, e.g.
t/łcrt wh/fe /asftiawaiol/
■ consonantal
loss of Initial /h/ In pronominal weak form*, e.g. htm, ber
loss of ahneolan (esp t\J and Al/) fi-om the middle of three-consonant clustew, where /t/ Is precedej by i - voice| ąnd
Al/ by i+ voicel. e.g. nextday. list dumce dfi fi by movedback. bolej face, kepi cfu ki, boked ffnedc.
- elision of finał /t 4/ Is ia« befom initial /h/ as In round here
■■■ - /t/ of the negative Ant/ Is freguently elided, particulaiły In Jlsyllablc woids befom a foliowing consonant e.g. /cw
mostu'tłasett Doesntsheknowt
In th seguence Askt/ /lc/ rather than /t is deleted. e.g. js&s/ 6&aw <g) liaison
linking « etymological woM-flnał post-vocałlc A/ mtąlned as a linking form after the penultimate /a 3: la ea oa a:vj when the fol łowi ng wołtl begfns wfth a vowel. as In fouraces, weatout ansner/t
intrusive r. unhistorical /r/ inserted (by analogy to linkinę r) aftei- evety /a: a; 9/ emjing and befom a following word-initiał vowel. e.g. Russia and Chfna Aa/st an fama/, drama and mustc/dtconw an mjuzik/, Idea of /aidiar av/, Shah of han /[oct 9* ira:n/
(h) (uncture: the maridng ofworj boundaHes by phonetic cues
/pi:su>:ks/ |
peacełalks |
teduced /i:/ In peace, aspirated /t/ In |
peasta/ks |
long /!;/, unaspiłated /t/ | |
/aneim/ |
a na me |
mlatively long /n/ |
an aim |
mlatively short/n/. stress and pitch change begins on /ei/ | |
/aukian/ |
Isc/eam |
long /ai/, stłong /$/, unaspiiated /k/ |
Ice-cream |
mduced /ai/, deuoiced A/ |
Ci) syllabidty (Sylląbic Consonant Fomjatlon): a Ilgułd/nasal may becorne syłlabic when the pmcedlng schwa ftorn the same syllable disappeatt
fot- /n/ to become syłlabic, /an/ fi-om whlch schwa is deleted must be pmceded by a C e.g. /hidn/
for A/ to become syłlabic. /al/ fi-om whlch schwa Is deleted must be pmceded by at least one C #/w /1/. eg.
C|) glottąllng: mplącement of a segment by the glottal stop; /t/ Is mplaced by the glottal stop ifi
*■ .' - It Is followed by a C othet- than /h/
, - It Is pmceded by a sonoiant
jgfc-.. It follows the vowel Inasyllable notnow /no?nau/
atksi /a? km/
elejht books /eiFboks/
button /bA?n/