

districts with Major General as a head of each district (kind of milit*™ ™ • y ■ cruel time, any disobedience was severely punished; England was in

^ LC >

18)    Why was James II madę to abdicate Glorious Revolution 1688-89?

•King James II was involved in political battles between Catholicism and Protestami™ between right of Crown and right of Parliament.* James's greatest political problem was Ws Catholicism. which Ieft him alienated from both (Whigs and Tories) parties in Parliament

19)    Who asked William of Orange to come in England? Whigs, Tories and Anglican Bishons united their efforts and wrote a letter to Mary and William of Orange to overtake the throne

20)    Bill of Rights was passed in => 1689

21)    The shift of power after the succession of William of Orange meant...that Parliament became the strongest power in England; nothing could be done without its approval.

22)    What was the most important invention in textile in the lndustrial Revolution?

Other countries were buying from Britain cotton and woollen cloth, especially uniforms for armies. To meet this increased demand in 1764 a spinning frame and power-loom were invented. One machinę was performing the work of 18 women.

23)    The title of Prime Minister originated...in 18Ih century when in 1714 George 1 became kin» of England. 1 le was brought up in Germany and he could not speak English but he knew Lat in. OnIv one minister knew Latin as well and could speak to the king. It was a beginning

of Prime Minister title.

24)    The Main parties in the 1 <Xth centur> Whig & Tories

25)    Napoleonie War ended in => 1815 — NN aterloo

26)    The 2nd Ballot Act was passed in => 1867

27)    Why were rotten boroughs called rotten?

Because they were election district that had been big in the past but by the 18th century it had declincd to the level of a country yillage and still retained its original representation. Most ot these constituencies were under the control of one man, the patron. Rotten boroughs had t ery

few votcrs

28)    I Iow did the C hartists light for parliament Reform?    .division

Chartfat Movcment (leader- William Lovett) forwarded petition wtth

of country in et,ual election districts •right to vote for every grown up parhamenuu.

election hcld cvcry ycar •abolilion of property quahfication yotmg y >

I lugc petition, signed by thousands of people who supported those dcmands was send

Parliament hut it was rejected by Parliament.    ,

29)    (jivc the reasons for the decline of the British advantages over other countr*

halfof 19th century    ,    . tAauu inHndimz coal and iron

• other countries, for example Germany had greater natura \w >    '    industn

and wheat producing land. * most British invested money    behind other

•British workers produccd less than in the othet countnes    cm 0f cductition for tho

countries in science and technology *puhlic m too s aiu i1    «.j nv for working

neher rmddle ctaas did not encounige Hcicntif.c or business stud.es. Ml.



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