^ M Ultron
Robot with on evil mi ud of its own
Henry Pym built Ultron as a robotic servant and pragrammed lais creation with his own brain patterns. 13ut Ultron immcdiately rebelled against his maker, escaping to plot the extermination of all humanity.
Engineering a succession of upgradcd bodies for himself, he finally emerged as Ultron-5 to fight Pyms teammates in the Ayp.ngkrs.
Avengers Vol. 1 #54 (Juty 1968)
Enhanced strongtti. near-invulr>eraWrty. effcrgy projecltcn; and fbghł: uses oocepłiato roy to hypnoti7e others or pul them mto acoma
Would-be worki conqoeror BASE
WEIGHT 535 Ibs EYES Gtowingred HAIR Nonę
Bv posing as the villainous Crimson SlW
Cowl, Ultron assetnbled a sccond i
grouping of the Masters of Evii .
I-Ic then created the android
, ; Ultron assern&tod a team i
Yision, usmg a dupheate body , 0i Masters of E* to from the original Humań comtwt tno Avengers.
Torch and brainwavc patterns from Won der Man. Ironically.just likc Ultron hitnsclf, thcVision rebelled against his creator and dcfccted to the Avengers, setting the pattern for most of Ultron s subsequcnt creations.
Ultron incorporated indestructible adaniantium into his framc beginning with the Ultron-6 body.
Ulm>n-7 was a gargantuan construct. while Ultron-8 was responsible for creating his robotic “wife,”JcK:ASTA.
Ultron-9 perished in a vat of molten adaniantium, and Machinę Man deactivated Ultron-10. Ultron-11 participated in the Beyonder*s Secret Wars. Ultron-12. imtially a member of the Lei hal Legion, repented and tried to atonc for his criminal past
until destroyed by Ultron-11.1 )uring the V_________
Acts ofVengcancc conspiracy. Doctor
Doom programmed Ultron-13 with all previous personalitics running
siniultaneously, makitig it casy for Dareim mi to beat the addled robot. Ultron-14 created a new matę callcd Alkhcma, though the two robots could not agree on their diłfering approaches to genocide.
Ultron-15 built hundreds ofduplicates and conąuercd the eastern European country of Slorenia. nieeting defeat when Henry Pym cxposed him to met.il-disintegrating vibranium. I lidden "Ultron lmperative” pn>gramming within Alkhema led to Ultron s return, and. after a battle, Ultron alVixed his dccapitated head to a suit of Iron Mans armor. Several Ultron robots appeared during the Avcngers Disassembled cvent. though these may have been projections by the S< ari i.t Witch. One of Ultron s old plots reccntly came to light when the teenagerVictor Mancha learncd of his cybernetic origins as Ultron s pawn for infiltrating the Avcngers. DW