

1) Roman cumę to Hrifain    ---------

•They goi intcrcstcd in tcrritory of France- Gaulia. In France

wilh wcapons. food and givc a shcltcr for refugees. so JuliusV^°Plc wcre CcH'c ori8*n *> >" casc of war the Enclish Ccltc sun

and good soi/* cou/d bo a great place (o prcparc a food lor R0, *c*ar r*s» 1 un*d his altcnl.on intolijnglaiT^Bntain wilh c(m| , łhcni

vidory in England lo Mrcngthon his political role in Ronie ^*n ^y. In 0nta,n wcrc natura! resourcc oftin (cyna) *Jul^cv's.fr

2)    The Whitby Synod was hcld in 663 AD

3)    Alfred the Great is said to be the father of ~>EngIish 11 >

4)    The Battic of Hastings had place in => Octobcr

^<"«* »astings)


5) WUliam tlić Conąucror dividcd the land among...his sons Robcn (Nomiandy) & William II Rufus (England), Henry-

6)    Henry II kingdom stretched firom *> Plantagencts Henry’s possession:

MC'C“' “ *** KCn'-    Se-lh— Walc).

♦Western France (Normandy, Brittany, Mainc, Anjou, Aąuitaine Ga

n> ^

7) The title of Prinee of Wal es was introduccd by    Edward u „    rjtunrj *, *

8)    Provłsions ofOiford & Provisions of Westminster were " \284 (h,8fson    CCOmc thc f,rst Princc ofWalcs)

v%crc signed by => IIenr>’

9) The Poor Roolt was.. .a pcasant rcbcllion in 1381 against Richard II Reasons:* peaunt d.dn’t want ,o bc serwus (aftcr the BUc. _ u

plaque),thcy wanted to have some treedom * Richard II introduccd a ncw tax callcd thc Poił Tax. It was thc third time in four ^ w ere introduccd.    * w<irs    ncw taxes

10)    The Hundred Years War lastcd from 1337 tol453

11)    The War of Rosos ended with thc victory of > Lancastrians (Henry of Lancaster married Elisabeth ofYorłc to end war of roses)

12)    llie last ofTudor died in -> 1603

13)    Geographical discoveries in thc 15th & lótli century mcant...bcginnincof colonization and trading empire.

|A«**'*&> oj* of    u-j sal< ,5*/UH

14)    Francis Drakę was => lst English man who circumnavigale thc world, when Spam was most succcssful m sail, hc attackcd Spamsh galkons on way back from Amcnca to Spain. sunk them and bnng to England a lot of goods and jewcllery Elizabeth I knighted him. he bccome sir Francis Drakc

15)    The Tudor epoch can be describe as => thc most glorious period in Engfeh history; the gold ago

16)    Why were James l & Charles I unpopular in England?

•James I imposcd big taxcs. became an absolutc king and wanted to rulc without Parliament ‘Charles 1 continued fatheris policy, he introduccd ship money tax, ordered to kcep elergymen under suncillance.

17)    Describe the period of Protcctorate (1654-1659)

The country was ruined by the civi! war; pcople wcrc killcd or sufTcring: H>54 Cromwell cntitled himsclfas the Lord Protector of England, Scotland & Ireland. He dismissed parliament and govcrncd without Parliament (or 2 years. England was dividcd into 11 mi li tary districts with Major General as a head of each district (kind of military regime); it "as most cruel time, any disobedience was scwrcly punished; England was in disastrous cconomic stale.

18)    Why was James II madę to abdicate (Glorious Kcvo!ution 1688-89)?

•King James II was involved in political battles bctwccn Catholicism and Protestantism and betwcen right of Crown and right of Parliament.• James's greatest political problem was his Catholicism. which left him alicnated from both (Whigs and Tories) parties in


19)    Who asked William of Orange to como in England? WTiigs, Tories and Anglican Bishops united their efforts and wrote a lertcrto Mary and W illiarn of Orange to overtakc thc throne.

20)    Bili of Rights was passed in »> 1689

21)    The shill of power after thc succession of William of Orange meant...total end of absolutc monarchy in England Parliament became the strongest power in England. nolhing could be done without ils approvaI.

22)    What was thc most important invention in tcxtilc in the ludustrial RcvoIution?

Other countries were buying from Britain cotton and woollen cloth. especially uniforms for armics. To meet this inereased demand in 1764 a spinning frame was inventcd (and later- power-loom) One machinę was performing thc werk of 18 women.

I W E.vriONS;#\N ilkinson- the larges ironworks in country, world’s lirst iron bridge ovcr therivcr Scvcm in 1779, iron boats. iron chapel for ncw Mcthodist religious scct and he was buried in iron ooffin.* James Watt steam englne uscd for pumping in coal mines in!769 , an engine with turning motion madę pcople independent to natural power •other countries wcrc also buying from Britain cotton and woollen cloth. especially uniforms for annies. To meet this inereased demand in 1764 a spinning frame and power-loom wcrc imonted. One machino was performing the work of 18 women. Sater frame* it uscd water drivc to drove thc machines in factorics * a moving shuttle- becausc transport by canals was chcaper then by land

23)    Hic title of Primo Minister originated...in 18h century when in 1714 George I became king of England. He was brought up in Germany and he could not speak English but Itc knew I^atin. Only one minister knew 1 ^ttin as well and could speak to thc king. It was a begjnning ol Prime Minister title.

24)    The Main parties in the 18lh century* Whljfagt Tories

25)    Napoleonie War ended in >1815— Waterłoo

26)    The 2nd Bal lot Art was passed in 1867

2T> Why wcrc nrttcn borough* callcd rotten?    ....    , » t.r*    ślince and

H. i ni%. they were olection district Utai had hcon big in Ihc past but by tlić 1** cctAury il had dcc mci to t K^' boróughs had .,11 r. taincrl ,ts or,»inal wprccnlalion. Most oflhcc conatituencie. wcrc u«dor thc control of one man. Ihc patron. Kr    .V

vcry lew voters

28) llow did tho C hartUM figlit for parliament llcform?    . , ,    „    . ., aistrict* ♦rinht to

C hartUt Movrment (leader William l,mrtt) forwarded petition with Jeinands: ♦divtston o! country m ei|ua ^    .

sol, lor cvory up man •parlianienlary ałcdion hcld cvcry yca.    Socttd bv TarlianKUt

Hugc pet Hi on. sigm d by tlmummU of pcople who mipportcd thonc dcmslldi HC,U* ° nK

29)Gtv« the ria«M?n* fot the dci linę <d Ihc Hritish itd\ant

ages ovrr nfhrf cotinlHmi iii the 2ih1 hal!’of 19th centuiy ?


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