P1170415 (2)

P1170415 (2)

119 ff.). We sorely need to extend the E. Aner and K. Kersten type of corpus into the Late Bronze Age and we need to do so in Scania, Denmark and Germany and Poland. There is a very large volume of . pertinent information waiting to be published. We shall try to make a start on Funen. While we wait we may study such features as kerb Stones, the spread of the custom of cremating bronzes with the oorpse of the deceased. the spread of cremation pits etc. in order to elaborate the very preliminary pattern which has just begun to become visible during the all too few studies madę so far.

The remarkable concentration of objects of Polish origin in Eastem Jutland's per. VI was published by Jargen Jensen (1970; cf. J. Kostrzew- ■ sbi 1959) and remains the clearest example of a massive input in Danish Bronze Age. The recent scientiflc analysis of the gold objects has not I added much (A. Hartmann 1982) and the interpretation is still open to discussion. Recent excavations on Southwest Funen at 0ster and Vester I Skjeminge have produced another startling piece of import (fig. 3), I a genuine painted Hallstatt culture vase (H. Thrane 1984b). This is not I a Pomeraman type but it is likely to have reached Funen via the I Pomeranian coast. The face urn found in another per. VI barrow at I Vester Skjeminge may be morę to the point and the well known urnes from Vesterby on Langeland from periods V and VI seem to underline this connection (J. Winther 1929, p. 40 ff.). All these face urns are no doubt local products but a spiritual link with Pomerania is nonethelęss highly probable. This is the sort of phenomenon which it is difficult to make operative but which should not be left out of consideration. It could be I included with the burial rites in a sphere which we all too rarely have a chamce to observe.

We are here considering connections and influences on a persona! level and perhaps the whole rangę of ceramic features belongs here too. With such unique pots as those from Gevninge (J. Jensen 1967b, fig. 2— 4) and Lusehej (fig. 4) the simplest explanation would be that the potters, who madę these pots in Denmark. had come from what is now Poland and Germany. This rather direct modę of inspiration could account for the generał likeness of the pottery on both sides of the Baltic too.

The idea of plastering the walls of houses (and tombs) and painting the plaster suddenly becomes manifest in per. V at Voldtofte and al Seddin. It is hard to escape the notion of some rather intimate rela-tionship between the two occurrences, especially as the two areas have so much else in common (H. Thrane 1984a, p. 166 ff.). The area around the Seddiner Kónigshugel is one outstanding centre of wealth (H. Wiiste mann 1974). the Voldtofle area is another (H. Thrane 1984a). If these concentrations of materiał wealth and with a remarkable outwards

**■ 1 Geyninge, Zealand. Pottery from settlement pit A. Afler J. Jensen 1967b


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