Equine coat colors by SheWolff

Equine coat colors by SheWolff


Zy UruLa f(rtstoffersson aka SfieWolff (c) zooS

i. (mlaly) fiAmfcitsmr

Also known as: l.ight chestnut/sorrel Swedish mmc: l.jusfux/Fux med Ijus man Cenetics: A_ iw ff Pa_ / aa «e fFPa_

Othcr spccifics: No black points. This «xampli! shows flaxen (light mann and taił) and pangaró (light mu//ln. belly and legs).

z. cułsmtt

Also known as: Medium chestnut/sorrel Swodish namo: Mullanfux/fux Ccnetics: A_ ou / aa v<>

Othor spccifics: No black points.

3.    UVŁR cułsmtt

Also known as: Dark chestnut Swedish name: I.everfux/morkfux Ccnetics: A_ <W / aa en Othcr specifics: No black points.

4.    ZLAOC

Also known as:

Swedish name: Svart/rapp Ccnetics: aa £_

Other spccifics: May have a ruddish tint to the coat. cspccially whun sunbleached.

5.    SŁAŁ ZROWtf

Also known as: Black and tan"

Swedish name: Svartbrun Cenetics: AA £_ / Aa £_

Other specifics: May be confusud with dark bay and sometimes black.

6.    uęmzAY

Also known as:

Swedish name: l.jusbrun Cenetics: A_ £_

Other specifics: Always have black points.

7.    ZAY

Also known as: Mudium bay/blood bay Swedish name: Mellanbrun/brun Cenetics: A_ £_

Othor specifics: Always have black points.


Also known as: Mahogany bay Swedish name: Mórkbrun Cenetics: A_ £_

Other specifics: Always have black points. This example is also slightly sooty/srnutty (darker over the topline).


9. STttL qm

Also known as: Iron grey Swedish namo: (Gr4)skimmel Ccnetics: (Any bose co/or gunes) G_ Othor spccifics: Body whitens with age. Masks ony other color the horst- may havc.

jo.    VAT?LtqW

Also known as:

Swedish namo: Ajwlkastad skimmul Ccnetics: (Any b.<so color gunus) G_ Other spccifics: Body whitens with agc. Masks any other color the horse may have.


Also known as:

Swedish name: (CrA)skimmul Ccnetics: (Usually rod basc color) G_ Other spccifics: Body whitens with age. Masks any other color the horse may havo.

iz.    LHflUjW

Also known as: White grey Swedish name: (GrA)skimmel Ccnetics: (Any boso color gunes) G_ Othor spccifics: Body whitens with age. Masks any other color the horse may have.


Also known as:

Swodish namo: Flugskimmel Cenetics: (Any base color gunos) G_

Othor specifics: Often shows on oldur greys. Red and/or black "fica bites" on thu body.


Also known as: Bloody shouldur"

Swedish name: (Flug)skiminul Cenetics: Grey geno * unknown Other specifics: Rare marking seen on greys. Many limes associated with fleabittun grey. but may appear 011 any kind of grey. and on various parts of the body. The genetics that causes bloodmarks are curruntly unknown.


25. RŁD DUy

Also known as: Apricot dun/Claybank dun (lighter. pale shades)

Swedish name: RSdblack Ccnetics: A_ ee Dn_

Othor spccifics: Always has a dorsal stripe. May show other dun factors. for instance leg barring. face mask and shouldcr strip*.


Also known as: Zebra dun/yellow dun Swedish name: Brunblack Ccnetics: A_ E_ Dn_

Other specifics: Always has a dorsal stripe. May słiow other dun factors. for instance leg barring. face mask and sltoulder stripe.


Also known as: Mouse dun/black dun Swedish name: Musblack

Cenetics: aa £_ Dn_

Other specifics: Always has a dorsal stripe. May show other dun factors. for instance leg barring. face mask and shouldur stripe.


18.    TALOMWO

Also known as:

Swedish name: Isabell

Ccnetics:__00 Cc*'

Other spccifics: Singlu dilutu; one crome genu on chestnut. Brown skin and oyes.

19.    zuaęięy

Also known as:

Swedish name: Culbrun

Ccnetics: A_ £_ Ctfr

Other specifics: Single dilutu: one creme

gene on bay. Brown skin and eyes. This

examptc also shows sooty/sinutty.

Buckskin is often confusud with bay dun.

20.    SMOąZLAO^

Also known as;

Swedish namo: Gulsvart Ccnetics: aa £_ Cccr

Other specifics: Single dilutu: ono tremo geno on black. Brown skin and oyes.

May look like a rogular black horse.

zi. O&MtLLO

Also known as:

Swedish name:Gulvit

Ccnetics:__ew <fTtfr

Other spccifics: Double dilutu; two eremu gunes on chestnut. Pink skin. bluu eyes.


Also known as:

Swedish name: P3rlvit Ccnetics: A_ £_ <?*<?'

Other specifics: Double dilutu: two eremu gunes on bay. Pink skin. bluo eyes.

Double cream gunus on a black basu produccs a smoky cream It can be hard to distinguish from both crernullo and perlino. A smoky cream may have a slightly darker. reddish tint to the body (including manę and taił), w hen coinpared to a cremello.


z). R£D ROAy

Also known as: Strawburry roan Swedish name: Rtidskiininel Ccnetics:__w Rn_

Othor specifics: Roan on chestnut. The base coat color always shows on head. Icgs and in the mano and taił.

zą. ZAY ROAtf

Also known as: Red roan (at limes) Swedish name: Brunskiininel Ccnetics: A_ £_ Rn_

Other specifics: Roan on bay. The base coat color always shows on huad. legs and in the manę and taił.


Also known as:

Swedish namo: Svartskiminel/morttnkopp Cenotics: aa £_ Rn_

Othor specifics: Roan on black. Thu baso coat color always shows on huad. legs and in thu manu and taił.

It s belivcd that homo/ygous roan (RnRn) is luthal. but thu result of rucunt studius l»avo shown this to be untruu.


z6. suym. dattlł zay

Also known as: Silver bay Swedish name: Silvcrbrun Ccnetics: A_ £_ Z_

Other specifics: Pale cream to silvur colorud mano. taił and fetlocks. with dark rools. Dark legs. reddish coat with or without dapplus.

27. SliyęK DAFPLŁ ZtAO(_

Also known as: Chocolatu silver dappte Swedish name: Silversvart Ccnetics: aa £_ 2_

Other specifics: Pale cream to silver colorud mano. taił and futlocks. with dark roots. Dark legs. chocolatu to groyish brown coat. with or without dapplus.

AM) WHATAZOUT sum. daptlł ottsmm

The silver gene affccts only black pigment, and leavus red pigment unchanged. This means that any chestnut based horsu. like for instance said chestnut. a red dun or palomino. that carrios thu silvur gene. stays unaffuctud by it. A "silver chestnut"' looks liku a rugular chestnut. but may !eavo silvvr da|>plud ofTspring.



Also known as:

Swodish namo;

Ccnetics:__w Ch_

Other spccifics: Champagnc genu(s) on chestnut. Pink skin with dark frecklus. Born with blue oyos that darken to a groen or ha/el color. May bo confusud with palomino.

29. amzłą cuAWPAęyt

Also known as:

Swedish name:

Ccnetics: A_ £_ Ch_

Othor spccifics: Champagnc gene(s) on bay. Pink skin with dark freckles. Born with blue eyes that usually darken to a ha/el color.

30.    SAZLŁ CtłAMfAfflŁ

Also known as:

Swodish namo:

Cenetics: AA F._ Ch_ / Aa E_ Ch_

Othor specifics: Champagnc gcne(s) on scal brown. Pink skin with dark freckles. Born with bluu eyes that darken to a ha/ol color. May be confusud with classic or dark ambor.


Also known as:

Swedish namo:

Cenotics: aa £_ Ch_

Othor specifics: Champagnc gone(s) on black. Pink to light brown skin with dark frucklus. Eyes usually darken to a ha/el color.


32.    TOZfAyO (on black)

Also known as:

Swedish name: Sklick/dorsalskSck Ccnetics: (aa E_) To_

Other specifics: Patches of white uxtending from the top of the body. Often two or morę white legs. White patterns on black is also known as Piebald. on other colors Skewbald.

33.    FRAMC OVEĄO (on buckskin)

Also known as: Kraino

Swedish name: Skack/ventralsk3ck

Ccnetics: (A_ £_ Cc’) Frfr

Other specifics: The base color frames" the

white. The edge of the white often looks jagged.

Homo/ygous frame ovuro (f rfr) is thought to

be luthal (l.ethal White Syndromu).

34.    SPLASH (on chestnut)

Also known as: Splashed white (overo) Swedish namo; SkSck/bukskiick Ccnetics: (_ _ 00) Splspl Other specifics: The horse looks as if ifs bcon dipped in white paint. Ono or two bluo eyes aro common.

35.    SAZm (on bay)

Also known as: Sabino overo Swedish name: SkSck/sabino Cenetics: (A_ E_) Sb_

Othor specifics: The edge of the whitu is heavily roanud. and loud sabinos may be confusud with roans. DifTerent pinto patterns can occur in the same horse.


)6. LŁOPAPJ) (on bay)

Also known as:

Swedish namo: l.eopardtigrurad Cenetics: (A_ £_) Lp_ (not fully known) Other specifics: A whitu horsu with colorcd spots. The spots shows lite base color (in this case bay). Somu variations: seraileopard. few spot leopard. near leopard.

37. ZLAM(ŁT (on chestnut)

Also known as:

Swedish name: Schabraktigrerad Cenetics: (_ _ oe) Lp_ (not fully known) Other specifics: A solid colorud horse with whitu hips. The white may oxtend onto the sides. Somu variations: snowcap. hip blanket. spotted blanket. laced blanket.

)8. SyOWFLAKjb (on bay)

Also known as:

Swedish name: SnOflingetigrerud Cenetics: (A_ E_) Lp_ (not fully known) Other specifics: A solid colorud horse (may be roaned) with white spots over the body.

The si/e and number of spots usually inereases with age.

59. VAmSU ROAJY (on bay)

Also known as:

Swedish name: Mulurad tigur Cenetics: (A_ E_) Lp_ (not fully known) Other specifics: Varnish roans "roan out", and gradually lightens with agu. Bony areas. liku the checks and lowur legs usually keup the baso color. May bu confusud with rugular roan. Frost buhaves in a similar way to varnish roan. but looks a bit diffurent.

40. SOUD (black)

Also known as:

Swedish name: Minimalt tigrerad Cenetics: (aa E_) Lplp (not fully known) Othor specifics: The appaloosa pattern givcs inottled skin. usually a white sclora of the eye. and striped hoovos. A horse that at first glancu looks solid, may prove to carry a gene for appaloosa patterns. It should show mottled skin and at luast one additonal characteristic.

DifTerent patterns may bo combincd in thu samu horsu. and vary gre.itly. Homo/ygous individuals tund to havo a body with fuwur spots and a "crispcr" whitu. liku for instance snowcap and few spot leopard.


41. RAZICAyO (on bay)

Also known as:

Swedish name: Rabicano/stickelhftrig

Cenetics: Curruntly unknown

Other specifics: A form of white ticking.

4Z. ZPJXDLŁ (on grullo)

Also known as:

Swedish name:

Cenotics: Curruntly unknown

Othor specifics: Very rare pattern in horsos.

consisting of thin. "dripping" lines/stripes.

Can be both lighter or darker than the base color.

43.    ZŁKD OR SPOTS(on chestnut)

Also known as: Grease spots/smuts

Swedish name: -

Cenetics: Curruntly unknown

Othor specifics: A few. dark spots. mainly

found on chestnut. palomino and darker coats.

44.    ZTRPCATCUŁR SPOTS (chestn.)

Also known as:

Swedish name:

Cenetics: Curruntly unknown

Other specifics: Rundom smali, white spots

on the body.

45.    CHUZARJ SPOTS (on grey)

Also known as: Totrarch spots Swedish namo:

Cenetics: Curruntly unknown Othor specifics: White. egg si/cd and ogg shapud spots. Most common on gruys. Thu spots fade as thu horsu gruy out.

46.    LACtyę (on bay)

Also known as: Catbacked/marble/cobweb Swedish namo:

Cenetics: Curruntly unknown Othor specifics: Whitu lines rusuinbling giraffc markings. Thought to be causcd by rain rot (a fungal infuction). or associatcd with appaloosa or pinto markings.


Also known as:

Swedish name: Dominantvit Cenetics: Ww or Sb_

Other specifics: Born whitu with pink skin and blue or brown oyes. Stays the samu color throughout lifu. The gunutics aro not fully known. and may also be caused by the sabino gene. Homo/ygous dominant white (WW) is thought to be lethal.



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