The planet lies in ruin — cities crumbling, Manłs greatest uorks fallen. Humanity^is cornered, nouhere to run. The Locust Hordę has risen, and they won’t stop coming. They uon't stop killing.
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Games for Windows-
The Coalition is desperate for soldiers. The sick, the wounded, the imprisoned are all that remain. An inmate named Marcus Fenix, once left to die, is now charged with keeping humanity alive. He can take comfort in but one fact: The human race isn’t extinct. Yet.
“Take cat/er and return fire!” with the intuitiue one-button cover system to blind fire, evade, flank, and ultimately destroy the nightmarish Locust Hordę.
Lead your ragtag squad as flarcus fenix, or rscruit
a friend to play squadmate Dominie Santiago and complete the fuli cinematic campaign cooperatiwely—Online or off.
Dominate online in Human vs. Locust squad-based multiplayer. Eliminate douned enemies uith a kick to the head or a taste of your chainsaw bayonet.
System Requirements:
Increased performance will be noticed on morę powerful Systems.
Games for Windows L1VE System Requireme:its: Paid subscription required for some types of online multiplayer (e.g., cross-platform and matchmaking) in available games. Some features of the LIVE s£rvice may require additional hardware (e.g. neadset) and fees. The UVE service and associated hardware are not available in all countries, please visit for morę information. Features may change without notice. Subject to Terms of Use (at Broadband Internet service (sold separately) and Windows Live™ ID account required. LIVE may not work with some broadband service providers and performance may vary. Under 13 requires parental consent.
You must accept the endosed License Agreement.
Suppcrts Pareotal Controls on Windows V$ta
SupportsXbo(360 Contim far Windows
Blood and Gore Intense Violence Strong Language
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way. Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA
Z 2007 Epic Games, lot. Gears of War, the Crimson Omen, and Unreal are either registered trademarks or trademarksof Epir Games. Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, the Microsoft Gamę Studios logo, Windows. Windows Live, Windows Vista, the Windows Vista start button. and Xbo< 360 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of rompanies.
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Z& WARNING Read instruction manuał for information about photosensitive seizures and other important safety and health information.
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// Winnerof * 30+ Xbox 360“ Gamę of the * YearAwards!*
Includes: GameSpot, -r 0XM, TeamXbox, ./ , GameSpy , * /
, t**+****5M
Gamę Experience May ianqe Ourina Online PI;
Change During Online Play ' Awards based on the original Xbox 360 version of Gears of War