

Rh motata* sandtrtorm bfcwng o*f tha orthwoat A*n<an d#*#'t han btankatad indrtd* of thcotands of war* milat of tha Hm Allant< Ooaan artth a dana# clood taharan »and Tha masaira nalura of thl* licular atorm nas flrat iwn in Pila SaaWiFS ja acqw>'#d on Salurday. 26 Faferuary 20C0 i il rsachad ovac 1090 milaa into tha Atlantic, ttormt and tha nslng warm a*- can lift dusi la* or ao a bor# tha AWcan dwrtj. and tbao ta th# Allantlc. many Urna* ra*ch*ig aa far aa •b#an whrr# 1h#y oftan r#quira iha (ocal weether IO iasua sir pollubon alarla aa wat racanity > San Juan, PoaftO Rico Racant ttudłas by tha itp: calbart.ar.uaga.gov afrłcan dust )

Karo Ink od th# dac*na of tha coral r#oft in lho Cadbboan to th# «ncroaaing fraguaney and Intanałty of Saharan Dual avant*. AddtionaJly. othor atudiaa nuggaHt :hut Sahalian CXitt may play a rola In doaarmlnlng lho fraqoancy and

intanatty of hurrlcanaa formod in th# aaatarn Atlantic Ocoan (hnp*^VfWMr.thlrd world.or^ rola Mml)

Prov.dod by th# SooWIFS Proiact. NASA GSFC and OR BI MA GE


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