Q,uilling &asics
ftpilling *R)ols
Hec.tusc the sloltcd Ux>l holds your tjuilling paper in place, it's casier to use w hen le.irning to make the basie ipiilling shapes. Jusl keep in mintl th.il the slot tai lont w ill fenie .1 "haoked" piece of paper in the center of your tptilled shape, so, onceyou team the basics, lnr lite needle tool for shapes where the center hole slums. Also. you w ill fnut that your shajies nuty varv in si/.e depending on fum tight you roli yourstrips. Praetice using each tool .ind your tension should even out.
Slottcd Tool
Thrcad one end of your paper strip through the prongs at the eiul of the tool, then ttirn tlu* tool in a cireular motion to roli the paper strip.
Needle Tool
Lightly moisten one end of your paper strip and place that end hetween your inde.N finger and the side of the needle. VVrap the paper strip tightly around the needle once with your thuinh. Without turning the tool, continue rolling the paper strip around the needle.
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