Onrr >VlilY matfered the morę on to iht morę a<fv.ifirrd quiiUn$
tcchnkfuey Mon Contimtf u>iny «T lm$th Wn/n. tuepl on ftasfcńra be surę lo yfuf .1 *tnyrfr ło ivur <jrd$U*k sc yoo ran refer to thcm Liter*
It i* tfAvn*r.if thdt \x*i uw «i ^niftif^ tatnf or .1 drttf tempLiie to
nutkę euentru tjuŁtUil *h*p€*
Whcn making cecentrie vhapfł, you are going to imne the tenter of litr >h.ipr to one side. Start by rolling your puper strip mto .1 loo*c rdl. thrn place your roli in Uk dcured si/c ci rek on your design InNird or .1 circle templatc Litr .1 straight pin .md. płating it m Uk center liole of your k*>*c roli. dr.m IIk puper to one >ide of tlić roli and insert Uk pin in Uk bcuird. NOiv. glut the •tninclied up' |Mper so Uk roli will ht»ld it* ikiv ofif-center stupę. AArr the glue i% dry. you can shapc >HHir mentrie cirele intoiny roUcd quilling shapc.
Yoti U need to uv your needte toof fo nutkę these fc» makr .1 spiral. takr your thuiiib .md pre** one md of your Paper strip .igainM the lip of the ncedle of your lool. Kretnng lite strip ot an •mgle .mil Uk tcmlon om tm*t the paper up the necdle tietwccn your thumb and index fmsrr. Krep twisting Uk paper until Uk desircd length ha* been acnievcd. Uk strip słtould rotl off the end of your tool in a spiral
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